I agree that US power is in decline. In fact, it has been in decline since about the 1960s as,since then,its global economic dominance has been shrinking.The way the US has dealt with this has involved a combination of multilateralism mixed with overt unilateral militarism.For example,by the 1970s,European countries like Germany and France,along with Japan,started growing and in some ways competing with the US in the global economy.The US’s response to this was to create the G7/G8.The idea was to draw these powers into an alliance,headed up by the US itself. Under the leadership of the US,the G7 has played a central role in promoting neoliberalism globally.Of course this has not stopped the decline of the US ’s economic power,but it did work in a sense that it got many of these other G7/G8 powers to accept the dominance of the US in political and militarily terms.
By the 1990s,however,new regional powers had also arisen, such as Brazil,China,India and to a lesser extent South Africa.This has created a further erosion of the US’s economic power.In some ways the US has also used a multilateral approach to deal with some of these countries,like Brazil and South Africa,by creating the G20 in the late 1990s.Again it was trying to draw in these regional powers into some kind of lose alliance.This has been very effective for multinational corporations,as countries involved in the G20 like Brazil and South Africa have been strong regional promoters of neoliberalism.Nonetheless,the US has also used overt unilateralism and militarism as a warning to possible global competitors like China and Russia,who have proven less amicable than Brazil and South Africa in accepting the continued dominance of the US.Hence the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan,which were aimed at securing oil supplies and shutting out Russia and China from the Middle East.The US’s political confrontation with North Korea could also be read as a symbolic warning to China.
So essentially,the US has been trying to deal with its decline-and maintain some form of dominance-through a mixture of multilateral political maneuvers and at times aggressive militarism,which has been symbolically aimed at countries like China through surrogate actions in Iraq,Afghanistan and to a lesser extent North Korea.This perhaps also reflects the uncertainty and divisions amongst the US elite on how to deal with their declining power.Of course, the decline of the US does create possibilities for countries in the South to begin to break free from US imperialism. A good example of this is Venezuela.(Shawn Hattingh,International Labour Research and Information Group)