Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Writing Background 1.2 Purpose of the Research 1.3 Present Situation of the Teaching of English-majors'Courses(TEMC)in China 1.4 Significance of Implementing CL for TEMC Chapter Two Review of CL Theory 2.1 Definition of CL 2.2 Elements of CL 2.2.1 Positive Interdependence 2.2.2 Face-to-Face Promotive Interaction 2.2.3 Individual Accountability 2.2.4 Social Skills 2.2.5 Group Processing 2.3 Types of CL 2.4 Techniques of CL 2.5 Activities of CL 2.5.1 Jigsaw 2.5.2 STAD-Student Team Achievement Division 2.5.3 TGT-Team Game Tournament 2.5.4 GI-Group Investigation Team Assisted Individualization(TAI)and Cooperative Integrated 2.5.5 Reading and Composition(CIRC) 2.5.6 Kagan's Cooprative Learning Structures 2.6 Features of CL 2.6.1 Heterogeneous Groups 2.6.2 Equal Participation of All Students 2.6.3 Unique Rewarding System 2.7 Theoretical Approach of CL 2.8 History of CL 2.9 Theoretical Foundation of CL. 2.9.1 Social Interdependence Theory 2.9.2 Cognitive Developmental Theory 2.9.3 Cognitive Elaboration Theory 2.9.4 Behavioral Learning Theory 2.10 Researches on CL 2.10.1 Researches on Cooperative Learning Abroad 2.10.2 Domestic Researches on Cooperative Learning 2.11 Cooperative Learning and Classroom Technology 2.11.1 A Brief Theory of Reward Structures 2.11.2 Other Classroom Studies 2.11.3 A Typology of Cooperative Learning Techniques 2.12 Summary Chapter Three Cooperative Learning in Higher Education 3.1 Benefits of CL in Higher Education 3.2 Cooperation and Learning in Unfamiliar Situations 3.2.1 The Development of Social Prudence 3.2.2 Learning to Cooperate (or Not) 3.3 CL in Higher Education 3.3.1 The Teachers 3.3.2 The Students 3.3.3 Group Formation 3.3.4 University Environment and Disciplines 3.3.5 Culture 3.4 Summary Chapter Four Review of English-majors'Listening Course 4.1 Significance of English-majors'Listening Course 4.2 Significance of Implementing CL in English-majors' Listening Course 4.3 The Urgeney of the Reform of English-majors'Listening Course 4.4 Application of Cooperative Learning in English-majors'Listening Course …… Chapter Five Review of English-majors'Reading Course Chapter Six Review of English-majors'Writing Course Chapter Seven Review of College English-majors'Translation Course Chapter Eight Implementing CL in English Majors'Reading Courses Chapter Nine Design of the Experiment on Implementing CL in English-majors'Reading Course Chapter Ten Data Analysis Chapter Eleven Conclusion Bibiography Appendix