This landmark volume offers a collection of conceptual papers andempirical research studies that investigate the dynamics of languagelearning motivation from a complex dynamic systems perspective. Thecontributors include some of the most well-established scholars fromthree continents, all addressing the question of how we can understandmotivation if we perceive it as continuously changing and evolving ratherthan as a fixed learner trait. The data-based studies also provide usefulresearch models and templates for graduate students and scholars in thefields of applied linguistics and SLA who are interested in engaging withthe intriguing area of examining language learning in a dynamic vein.
Contributors Foreword 1 Introduction: Applying Complex Dynamic Systems Principles to Empirical Research on L2 Motivation Part 1: Conceptual Summaries 2 Ten 'Lessons' from Complex Dynamic Systems Theory: What Is on Offer Diane Larsen-Freeman 3 Attractor States Phil Hiver 4 Rates of Change: Timescales in Second Language Development Kees de Bot 5 Initial Conditions Marjolijn Verspoor 6 Context and Complex Dynamic Systems Theory Ema Ushioda 7 Human Agency: Does the Beach Ball Have Free Will7 Ali H. Al-Hoorie 8 Social Network Analysis and Complex Dynamic Systems Sarah Mercer 9 The Dynamics of Possible Selves Alastair Henry 10 'Directed Motivational Currents': Regulating Complex Dynamic Systems through Motivational Surges Part 2: Empirical Studies 11 Motivation on a Per-Second Timescale: Examining Approach- Avoidance Motivation During L2 Task Performance Peter D. MacIntyre and Alicia Serroul 12 Dynamics of the Self: A Multilevel Nested Systems Approach Sarah Mercer 13 Changes in Motivation, Anxiety and Self-efficacy During the Course of an Academic Writing Seminar 14 Motivation, Emotion and Cognition: Attractor States in the Classroom Frea Waninge 15 Once Burned, Twice Shy: The Dynamic Development of System Immunity in Teachers Phil Hiver 16 Learner Archetypes and Signature Dynamics in the Language Classroom: A Retrodictive Qualitative Modelling Approach to Studying L2 Motivation Letty Chan, Zoltdn Do'rnyei and Alastair Henry 17 'I Can See a Little Bit of You on Myself': A Dynamic Systems Approach to the Inner Dialogue between Teacher and Learner Selves Tammy Gregersen and Peter D. MacIntyre 18 Understanding EFL Learners' Motivational Dynamics: A Three-Level Model from a Dynamic Systems and Sociocultural Perspective Tomoko Yashima and Kumiko Arano 19 The Dynamics of L3 Motivation: A Longitudinal Interview/Observation-Based Study Alastair Henry 20 Study Abroad and the Dynamics of Change in Learner L2 Self-Concept Kay Irie and Stephen Ryan 21 Self-Regulation in the Evolution of the Ideal L2 Self: A Complex Dynamic Systems Approach to the L2 Motivational Self System Ryo Nitta and Kyoko Baba 22 The Dynamics of L2 Imagery in Future Motivational Self-Guides Chenjing (Julia) You and Leny Chan 23 Conclusion: Hot Enough to be Cool: The Promise of Dynamic Systems Research