To understand others is to have knowledge;
To understand oneself is to be illumined.
To conquer others needs strength;
To conquer oneself is harder still.
To be content with what one has is to be rich.
He that works through violence may get his way;
But only what stays in its place Can endure.
When one dies one is not lost; there is no other longevity.
Can you keep the unquiet physical-soul from straying,
hold fast to the Unity, and never quit it?
Can you, when concentrating your breath, make it soft
like that of a little child?
Can you wipe and cleanse your vision of the Mystery
fill all is without blur?
Can you love the people and rule the land, yet remain
Can you in opening and shutting the heavealy gates
play always file female part?
Can your mind penetrate every corner of the land, but
you yourseff never interfere?
Rear them, then, feed them,
Rear them, but do not lay claim to them.
Control them, but never lean upon them;
Be chief among them, but do not manage them.
This is called the Mysterious Power.
Perfect aaivity leaves no track behind it;
Perfect speech is like a jade worker whose tool leaves no mark.
The perfect reckoner needs no counting-slips;
The perfect door has neither bolt nor bar,
Yet cannot be opened.
The perfect knot needs neither rope nor twine,
Yet cannot be untied,
Therefore the Sage
Is all the time in the most perfect way helping men,
He certainly does not turn his back on men;
Is all the time in the most perfect way helping creatures,
He certainly does not turn his back on creatures.
This is called resorting to the Light.
Truly, ‘the perfect man is the teacher of the imperfect;
But the imperfect is the stock-in-trade of the perfect man‘.
He who does not respect his teacher,
He who does not take care of his stock-in-trade,
Much learning though he may possess, is far astray.
This is the essential secret.
As for the things that from of old have understood the Whole -
The sky through such understanding remains limpid,
Earth remains steady,
The spirits keep their holiness,
The abyss is replenished,
The ten thousand creatures bear their kind,
Barons and princes direct their people.
It is the Whole that causes it.
Were it not so limpid, the sky would soon get tom.
Were it not for its steadiness, the earth would soon tip over.
Were it not for their holiness, the spirits would soon wither away.
Were it not for this replenishment, the abyss would soon go dry.
Were it not that the ten thousand creatures can bear their kind,
They would soon become extinct.
Were the barons and princes no longer directors of their
people and for that reason honoured and exalted,
they would soon be overthrown.
Truly ‘the humble is the stem upon which the mighty grows,
The low is the foundation upon which the high is laid.‘
Those who know do not speak;
Those who speak do not know.
Block the passages,
Shut the doors,
Let all sharpness be blunted,
All tangles untied,
All glare temper.
All dust smoothed.
This is called the mysterious levelling.
He who has achieved it cannot either be drawn into friendship or repelled,
Cannot be benefited, cannot be harmed,
Cannot either be raised or humbled,
And for that very reason is highest of all creatures under heaven.