Alexander,Hannibal,Minos and Scipio注
Alex. Libyan,I claim precedence of you. I am the better man.
Han. Pardon me.
Alex. Then let Minos decide.
Mi. Who are you both?
Alex. This is Hannibal,the Carthaginian:I am Alexander,the son of Philip.
Mi. Bless me,a distinguished pair! And what is the quarrel about?
Alex. It is a question of precedence. He says he is the better general:and I maintain that neither Hannibal nor ( I might almost add) any of my predecessors was my equal in strategy;all the world knows that.
Mi. Well,you shall each have your say in turn:the Libyan first.
Han. Fortunately for me,Minos,I have mastered Greek since I have been here;so that my adversary will not have even that advantage of me. Now I hold that the highest praise is due to those who have won their way to greatness from obscurity;who have clothed themselves in power,and shown themselves fit for dominion. I myself entered Spain with a handful of men,took service under my brother,and was found worthy of the supreme command. I conquered the Celtiberians, subdued Western Gaul, crossed the Alps,overran the valley of the Po,sacked town after town,made myself master of the plains,approached the bulwarks of the capital,and in one day slew such a host,that their finger?rings were measured by bushels, and the rivers were bridged by their bodies. And this I did,though I had never been called a son of Ammon;I never pretended to be a god,never related visions of my mother;I made no secret of the fact that I was mere flesh and blood. My rivals were the ablest generals in the world,commanding the best soldiers in the world;I warred not with Medes or Assyrians,who fly before they are pursued,and yield the victory to him that dares take it.
Alexander,on the other hand,in increasing and extending as he did the dominion which he had inherited from his father,was but following the impetus given to him by Fortune. And this conqueror had no sooner crushed his puny adversary by the victories of Issus and Arbela,than he forsook the traditions of his country,and lived the life of a Persian;accepting the prostrations of his subjects,assassinating his friends at his own table,or handing them over to the executioner. I in my command respected the freedom of my country,delayed not to obey her summons,when the enemy with their huge armament invaded Libya,laid aside the privileges of my office,and submitted to my sentence without a murmur. Yet I was a barbarian all unskilled in Greek culture;I could not recite Homer,nor had I enjoyed the advantages of Aristotle.s instruction;I had to make a shift with such qualities as were mine by nature .—It is on these grounds that I claim the pre?eminence. My rival has indeed all the lustre that attaches to the wearing of a diadem,and—I know not—for Macedonians such things may have charms:but I cannot think that this circumstance constitutes a higher claim than the courage and genius of one who owed nothing to Fortune,and everything to his own resolution.
Mi. Not bad,for a Libyan .—Well,Alexander,what do you say to that?
Alex. Silence,Minos,would be the best answer to such confident self?assertion. The tongue of Fame will suffice of itself to convince you that I was a great prince,and my opponent a petty adventurer. But I would have you consider the distance between us. Called to the throne while I was yet a boy,I quelled the disorders of my kingdom,and avenged my father.s murder. By the destruction of Thebes,I inspired the Greeks with such awe,that they appointed me their commander?in?chief;and from that moment,scorning to confine myself to the kingdom that I inherited from my father,I extended my gaze over the entire face of the earth,and thought it shame if I should govern less than the whole. With a small force I invaded Asia,gained a great victory on the Granicus,took Lydia,Ionia,Phrygia,—in short,subdued all that was within my reach,before I commenced my march for Issus,where Darius was waiting for me at the head of his myriads. You know the sequel:yourselves can best say what was the number of the dead whom on one day I dispatched hither. The ferryman tells me that his boat would not hold them;most of them had to come across on rafts of their own construction. In these enterprises,I was ever at the head of my troops,ever courted danger. To say nothing of Tyre and Arbela,I penetrated into India,and carried my empire to the shores of Ocean;I captured elephants;I conquered Porus;I crossed the Tanais,and worsted the Scythians—no mean enemies—in a tremendous cavalry engagement. I heaped benefits upon my friends:I made my enemies taste my resentment. If men took me for a god,I cannot blame them;the vastness of my undertakings might excuse such a belief. But to conclude,I died a king:Hannibal,a fugitive at the court of the Bithynian Prusias—fitting end for villany and cruelty. Of his Italian victories I say nothing;they were the fruit not of honest legitimate warfare,but of treachery,craft,and dissimulation. He taunts me with self?indulgence:my illustrious friend has surely forgotten the pleasant time he spent in Capua among the ladies,while the precious moments fleeted by. Had I not scorned the Western world,and turned my attention to the East,what would it have cost me to make the bloodless conquest of Italy,and Libya,and all,as far West as Gades? But nations that already cowered beneath a master were unworthy of my sword .—I have finished,Minos,and await your decision;of the many arguments I might have used,these shall suffice.
Sci. First,Minos,let me speak.
Mi. And who are you,friend? and where do you come from?
Sci. I am Scipio,the Roman general,who destroyed Carthage,and gained great victories over the Libyans.
Mi. Well,and what have you to say?
Sci. That Alexander is my superior,and I am Hannibal.s,having defeated him,and driven him to ignominious flight. What impudence is this,to contend with Alexander,to whom I,your conqueror,would not presume to compare myself!
Mi. Honestly spoken,Scipio,on my word! Very well,then:Alexander comes first,and you next;and I think we must say Hannibal third. And a very creditable third,too.
注:Alexander,或Alexander the Great (356 BC -323 BC),即亞歷山大大帝,古代馬其頓帝國的國王。亞歷山大小的時候就深受荷馬史詩中的英雄人物影響。他的父親聘請了亞里士多德作他的導(dǎo)師。他的口才、文學(xué)修養(yǎng)以及對各種知識的興趣一定程度上受益于亞里士多德。亞歷山大 20 歲繼位為王,30 歲前建立了橫跨歐亞非的馬其頓帝國。他從未戰(zhàn)敗過,是人類有史以來最成功的軍事指揮家。 Hannibal(247 BC -183 BC),中譯名為漢尼拔,北非古國迦太基和人類軍事史上的名將。 Minos,中譯名米諾斯,是希臘神話中克里特的第一代國王,宙斯和歐羅巴之子。他死后成為冥府的判官。米諾文明就是以他的名字命名的。 Scipio(236 BC -184 /183 BC),中譯名西庇阿,為古羅馬統(tǒng)帥和政治家。西庇阿和漢尼拔是第二次布匿戰(zhàn)爭中羅馬和迦太基雙方的主將。西庇阿在扎馬戰(zhàn)役中打敗了漢尼拔,羅馬人因此取得第二次布匿戰(zhàn)爭的勝利。