程序清單8-6 渲染CObjGem類
/// <summary>
/// Draw the gem to the screen
/// </summary>
public override void Render(Graphics gfx, float interpFactor)
System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes imgAttributes;
base.Render(gfx, interpFactor);
// Create the transparency key for the gem graphics
imgAttributes = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes();
imgAttributes.SetColorKey(Color.Black, Color.Black);
// If this is not a rainbow gem...
if (_gemColor != CGemDropsGame.GEMCOLOR_RAINBOW)
// Then just draw its image
gfx.DrawImage(_game.GameGraphics["Gems"], GetRenderRectangle(interpFactor),
_gemColor * (int)Width, 0, (int)Width, (int)Height,
GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imgAttributes);
// This is a rainbow gem so we need to cycle its color.
// Add the elapsed time to our class variable
_rainbowGemUpdateTime += GameEngine.TimeSinceLastRender;
// Has 0.1 seconds elapsed?
if (_rainbowGemUpdateTime > 0.1f)
// Yes, so advance to the next color
_rainbowGemUpdateTime = 0;
_rainbowGemFrame += 1;
// If we reach the rainbow gem position (pass the final
// actual gem color), move back to the first
if (_rainbowGemFrame == CGemDropsGame.GEMCOLOR_RAINBOW) _rainbowGemFrame=0;
// Ensure the gem is considered as moved so that it re-renders in its
// new color.
// This is important so that it still cycles when in the "next gem"
// display which isn't otherwise moving.
HasMoved = true;
// Draw its image
gfx.DrawImage(_game.GameGraphics["Gems"], GetRenderRectangle(interpFactor),
_rainbowGemFrame * (int)Width, 0, (int)Width, (int)Height,
GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imgAttributes);