作者簡介: 云關秋一塊被歲月的潮水洗滌和磨礪過的拙石,本書的每個段落都是一個獨特的切面。 Yun GuanqiuA crude rock washed and honed bythe tides of time,of which each paragraph in this bookis a unique facet. 譯者簡介: Zhang Jian, dean and professor at School of English, Beijing Foreign Studies University; translator and expert on English literature and culture.張劍教授,北京外國語大學英語學院院長、博士生導師、著名英語文學與文化翻譯、研究專家。 Dr. Zhao Dong, Associate Professor of English at Beijing Foreign Studies University, scholar of English literature and cultural studies.趙冬博士,北京外國語大學副教授,英語文學和文化研究學者。