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中藥學 Chinese Materia Medica

中藥學 Chinese Materia Medica

定 價:¥68.00

作 者: 楊歡
出版社: 江蘇大學出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787568419826 出版時間: 2023-03-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 290 字數(shù):  


  本書為全英文教材,包括總論、各論、附錄等部分,介紹了中藥學基本理論,包括中藥、中藥學的概念、中藥的起源和發(fā)展、中藥的產(chǎn)地與采集、中藥 制、中藥藥性理論、中藥功效、中藥臨床應(yīng)用等內(nèi)容。共收載中藥218味,按主要功效分列為二十二章。每章按功效差異分節(jié),介紹各味中藥的來源、產(chǎn)地及采收加工、性味歸經(jīng)、功效、臨床應(yīng)用、用法與用量、使用注意等內(nèi)容,并賦予二維碼,可通過微信掃描進一步了解其 制、飲片、化學成分及藥理作用等。


暫缺《中藥學 Chinese Materia Medica》作者簡介


General Introduction
Chapter 1 Origin and Development of Chinese Materia Medica
Chapter 2 Species,Production Sites and Harvest of Chinese Medicines
2.1 Species of Chinese Medicines
2.2 Production Sites of Chinese Medicines
2.3 Harvest of Chinese Medicines
2.3.1 Harvest of Plants
2.3.2 Collection of Animal and Mineral
Chapter 3 Chinese Medicine Processing
3.1 Purpose of Processing
3.2 Processing Methods
3.2.1 Purifying(凈制)
3.2.2 Cutting(切制)
3.2.3 Fire Processing( 炙)
3.2.4 Other Processing Methods
Chapter 4 Effect of Chinese Medicines
4.1 Basic Eftect of Chinese Medicines
4.2 Action of Chinese Medicines
4.2.1 Definition of Action
4.2.2 Classi6cation 0f Action
Chapter 5 Properties of Chinese Medicines
5.1 Four Properties
5.1.1 Definition of Four Properties
5.1.2 Determination of Four Properties
5.1.3 Clinical Significance of Four Properties
5.2 Five Flavors
5.2.1 Definition of Five F1avors
5.2.2 Relationship Between Five F1avors and Medical Action
5.2.3 Determination of Five F1avors
5.2.4 Clinical Significance of Five F1avors
5.3 Meridian Tropism
5.3.1 Definition of Meridian Tropism
5.3.2 Determination of Meridian Tropism
5.3.3 Clinical Significance of Meridian Tropism
5.4 Ascending,Descending,F(xiàn)loating and Sinking
5.4.1 Definition of Ascending,Descending,F(xiàn)loating and Sinking
5.4.2 Determination of Ascending,Descending,F(xiàn)loating and Sinking
5.4.3 Factors Affecting Ascending,Descending,F(xiàn)loating and Sinking
5.4.4 Clinical Significance of Medical Trend
5.5 ToxicilIV
5.5.1 Definition of Toxicity
5.5.2 Factors Affecting Toxicity
5.5.3 Preferred Attitude Towards Toxicity of Chinese Medicines
Chapter 6 Application of Chinese Medicines
6.1 Compatibility of Chinese Medicines(中藥配伍)
6.1.1 Purpose of Compatibility
6.1.2 Compatibility Relationship
6.1.3 Principle to Handle Compatibility
6.2 Medication COntraindicatiOns
6.2.1 Syndrome Medication Contraindications


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