This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the First International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, CRITIS 2006, held on Samos Island, Greece in August/September 2006 in conjunction with ISC 2006, the 9th International Information Security Conference.The 22 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 57 submissions. The papers address all security-related heterogeneous aspects of critical information infrastructures. Thus dependence on this infrastructure and importance of its security is shown, emerging as a major objective for governments, companies and the research community.
CRUTIAL: The Blueprint of a Reference Critical Information Infrastructure Architecture Experiment Based Validation of CIIP Security Requirements Model for Grid Data Management Systems Assessing the Risk of an Information Infrastructure Through Security Dependencies Modelling Risk and Identifying Countermeasure in Organizations Modelling and Analysing Network Security Policies in a Given Vulnerability Setting A Framework for Conceptualizing Social Engineering Attacks An Overview of R&D Activities in Europe on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) Intelligent Network-Based Early Warning Systems Can an Early Warning System for Home Users and SMEs Make a Difference? A Field Study Protection of Components Based on a Smart-Card Enhanced Security Module Revisiting Colored Networks and Privacy Preserving Censorship PROSEARCH: A Protocol to Simplify Path Discovery in Critical Scenarios Applying Key Infrastructures for Sensor Networks in CIP/CIIP Scenarios Trust Establishment in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Enforcing Trust in Pervasive Computing with Trusted Computing Technology Proposals on Assessment Environments for Anomaly-Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems High-Speed Intrusion Detection in Support of Critical Infrastructure Protection Rational Choice of Security Measures Via Multi-parameter Attack Trees Multidomain Virtual Security Negotiation over the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Vulnerabilities and Possible Attacks Against the GPRS Backbone Network A Framework for Secure and Verifiable Logging in Public Communication Networks Author Index