This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, DaWaK 2001, held in Munich, Germany in September 2001. The 33 revised full papers presented together with one invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected from more than 90 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on association rules, mining temporal patterns, data mining techniques, collaborative filtering and Web mining, visualization and matchmaking, development of data warehouses, maintenance of data warehouses, OLAP, and distributed data warehouses.
Invited Talk Knowledge Management in Heterogeneous Data Warehouse Environments Association Rules(1) Mining Generalized Association Rules with Multiple Minimum Supports A Theoretical Frmanework for Association Mining Based on the Boolean Mining Inter-transactional Association Rules:Generalization and Empirical Evaluation On the Equivalence of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Data Mining in Relational Databases Association Rules(2) Monitoring Change in Mining Results Discovering Knowledge from Meteorological Databases:A Meteorological Aviation Forecast Study Enhancing the Apriori Algorithm for Frequent Set Counting Mining Temporal Patterns Mining Cyclically Repeated Patterns Development of Automated Data Mining System for Quality Control in Manufacturing Data Mining Techniques FastFDs:A Heruistic-Driven,Depth-First Algorithm for Mining Functional Dependencies from Relation Instances Ensemble Feature Selection Based on the Contxtual Merit Interactive Clustering for Transaction Data Collaborative Filtering and Web Mining A New Approach for Item Choice Recommendations RecTree:An Efficient Collaborative Filtering Method Discovering Web Document Associations for Site Summarization Visualization and Matchmaking Data Visualization and Analysis with Self-Organizing Maps in Learning Metrics Towards a Novel OLAP Interface for Distributed Data Warehouses Matchmaking for Structured Obiects Develupment of Data Warebowses Maintenanse of Daia Warehwses OLAP(1) OLAP(2) Distributed Data Warhoses Author Index