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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科社會科學(xué)語言文字語篇反饋研究:基于社會認知理論



定 價:¥78.00

作 者: 卞曉云 著
出版社: 中譯出版社(原中國對外翻譯出版公司)
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787500172468 出版時間: 2023-03-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 字數(shù):  


  本書詳述了一項關(guān)于中國外語教師語篇反饋的歷史個案研究, 揭示出在中國外語教學(xué)環(huán)境下針對大學(xué)生的英語說明文,教師構(gòu)建語篇反饋、學(xué)生加工語篇反饋時,他們的決策過程(decision-making)符合社會認知理論所提出的"身心世界"一體原則。在反饋過程中,教師、學(xué)生、情景之間的復(fù)雜動態(tài)交互也有助于學(xué)生作為寫作者和反饋接收者在認知、情感、行為等方面實現(xiàn)發(fā)展。




Table of Contents

List of Tables .......................... Ⅰ

List of Abbreviations...................... Ⅲ

Chapter 1 Introduction ..................... 1

1.0 Introduction: An Overview ................. 1

1.1 Problem Statement .................... 2

1.2 The Rationales Behind the Study ............... 6

1.3 Overview of Research Methodology ............ 12

1.4 Significance of the Study ................. 13

1.5 Organization of the Book ................. 15

Chapter 2 Issues in Teacher Feedback.............. 16

2.0 Introduction ...................... 16

2.1 Development of Teacher Feedback: Questions......... 16

2.2 Theoretical Perspectives on Teacher Feedback and Its Importance . 23

2.3 Research on Teacher Feedback............... 44

2.4 Research Gaps and Emergent Issues............. 68

2.5 Chapter Summary .................... 72

Chapter 3 Research Design .................. 73

3.0 Introduction ...................... 73

3.1 Research Design: The Rationale .............. 73

3.2 Research Design: Defining the Term “Case Study” ....... 74

3.3 Research Design: Key Issues ............... 80

3.4 Chapter Summary .................... 116

Chapter 4 The Construction of Non-error Feedback........ 117

4.0 Introduction ...................... 117

4.1 What the Teacher Brought to the Feedback Process: Contextual

Information ...................... 118

4.2 The Entire Feedback-Constructing Process the Teacher Went Through:

Contextual Information.................. 129

4.3 The EA Issues the Teacher Actually Focused on ........ 129

4.4 Teacher Decision-Making: How the Teacher Decided Which EA

Issues to Focus on.................... 133

4.5 The Feedback Delivery Approaches the Teacher Used ..... 136

4.6 Teacher Decision-Making: How the Teacher Decided on Feedback

Delivery Approaches................... 144

4.7 Chapter Summary .................... 164

Chapter 5 The Interpretation of Non-error Feedback ....... 168

5.0 Introduction ...................... 168

5.1 What the Students Brought to the Feedback Process: Contextual

Information ...................... 169

5.2 Student A’s Acceptance and Incorporation of EA Feedback.... 177

5.3 Student B’s Acceptance and Incorporation of EA Feedback ... 184

5.4 Student C’s Acceptance and Incorporation of EA Feedback ... 190

5.5 How the Students’ Acceptance and Incorporation of EA Feedback

were Decided...................... 194

5.6 Chapter Summary .................... 223

Chapter 6 The Feedback Process: Its Effectiveness and Helpfulness . 227

6.0 Introduction ...................... 227

6.1 Effectiveness of the Feedback Process ............ 227

6.2 Helpfulness of the Feedback Process: Student Changes ..... 234

6.3 More Helpfulness of Non-error Feedback .......... 235

6.4 Chapter Summary .................... 242

6.5 Summary of All Findings ................. 243

Chapter 7 Discussion and Conclusion .............. 245

7.0 Introduction ...................... 245

7.1 Aims and Methodology of the Study ............ 245

7.2 Summary of Key Findings ................ 246

7.3 Contributions of the Findings ............... 249

7.4 Limitations and Future/Further Research ........... 302

7.5 Final Remarks ..................... 306

References .......................... 308

Appendices.......................... 334

Appendix A: Teacher Background Interview Guide ......... 334

Appendix B: Student Background Interview Guide ......... 336

Appendix C: Think-Aloud Protocol in the Training Session...... 338

Appendix D: Teacher Retrospective and Ongoing Interviews Guide .. 340

Appendix E: Student Retrospective and Ongoing Interviews Guide .. 342


Appendix F: Teacher/Student Final Interview Guide ........ 344

Appendix G: Teacher Think-Aloud Data Codebook ......... 346

Appendix H: Student Think-Aloud Data Codebook ......... 350

Appendix I: Student Writing with Teacher Comments ........ 357

Appendix J: Student Writing with Teacher Comments and Student-Written

Notes ......................... 360

Appendix K: Writing Prompts ................. 364


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