Part 1 The Colonial Era through the Civil War 1.The Colonial Mind:From Religious to Political Autonomy 2.American Values and Pragmatic Self-Sufficiency 3.Individual Rights and the Declaration of Independence 4.The Constiution:Constructive Conservatism and Its Critics 5.Federalism and Constitutional law 6.Jacksonian Democracy 7.Transcendental Individualism 8.Neglected Voices:Women and Native Americans Part 2 Reconstruction through World War II 1.The American Dream 2.The American Reality for Women and Native Americans 3.Visions of Progress 4.The Frontier,the State,and War 5.The Power of Wealth 6.The Powerless 7.New Nationalism,New Freedom,and Progressivism 8.Management versus the Gospel of Socialism 9.Individualism,Materialism,and Idealism 10.Conservative Critics of Democratic Liberalism 11.Corporations,Society,and the State Part 3 The Contemporary Era