前面的話 Preface 在草原最莊嚴的地方求神降福 Praying for Blessings at the Most Solemn Place in the Grassland 那達慕上,看到最健壯的男人和最美的女 Witnessing the Strongest Men and the Most Beautiful Women at the Naadam Festival 如果有來生,做個草原上的人吧 I’d Live in the Grassland if I Had Another Life
站著睡覺的我,錯過了你的到來 Stand Sleeping, I Missed Your Arrival
平淡而珍貴的草原哪 What an Insipid and Precious Grassland
草原上,我見到獨自放牧的額吉 A Granny I Saw in the Grassland Herding the Flock on Her Own