第一部分 1.居家生活期間-耳石癥,一種常見的耳源性眩暈疾病 2.居家生活期間-鼻出血的常見病因及居家緊急處理 3.居家生活期間-過敏性鼻炎,你需要知道的那些事兒 4.居家生活期間-鼾癥,打呼嚕也是一種?。?br />5.居家生活期間-如何正確使用鼻噴劑及滴耳液 6.居家生活期間-看古人立秋時節(jié)如何養(yǎng)生 7.居家生活期間-古語有云“秋收冬藏”之如何秋收冬藏 8.居家生活期間-胃該怎么“養(yǎng)” 9.居家生活期間-喜聞樂見的“補藥”真的適合你嗎? 10.居家生活期間-發(fā)現(xiàn)淋巴結(jié)腫大怎么辦? 11.居家生活期間-心肺功能鍛煉 12.居家生活期間-靜脈血栓癥小問答 13.居家生活期間-腫瘤化療患者營養(yǎng)支持小問答 14.居家生活期間-心理問題如何疏導 15.居家生活期間-脂肪肝的小知識 16.居家生活期間-藥物性肝損不可忽視 17.居家生活期間-腦卒中的小知識 18.居家生活期間-手抖和帕金森病的關系 19.居家生活期間-發(fā)現(xiàn)泡沫尿該怎么辦? 20.居家生活期間-高血壓相關知識 第二部分 1.特殊的握手 2.病房里的約束手套和約定 3.暑氣炎蒸,更惜分陰 4.聽診器的故事 Table of Contents Part I 1.Staying at home-Otolithiasis, a common otogenic vertigo disorder 2.Staying at home-Common causes of nosebleeds and emergency treatment 3.Staying at home-Allergic rhinitis, what you need to know 4.Staying at home-snoring, also a disease! - 5.Staying at home-How to use nasal sprays and ear drops correctly 6.Staying at home-The regimen of ancient Chinese at the beginning of fall 7.Staying at home-How to “harvest in autumn and store in winter” based on the Chinese idiom 8.Staying at home-How to take care of your stomach 9.Staying at home-Are popular tonics the right choice for you? - 10.Staying at home-What to do if your lymph nodes are swollen 11.Staying at home-Cardio exercises 12.Staying at home-Q&A on Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) 13.Staying at home-Q&A about Nutrition Support for Chemotherapy Patients 14.Staying at home-how to manage your mental health 15.Staying at home-Tips on fatty liver disease 16.Staying at home-Drug-induced liver injury should not be ignored 17.Staying at home-Tips for cerebral stroke 18.Staying at home-The relationship between shaking hands and Parkinson's disease 19.Staying at home-What to do if I find my urine foamy - 20.Staying at home-Tips on hypertension Part II 1.Special handshakes 2.Restraint gloves and conventions in the ward 3.The summer heat is steaming, and it's more important to cherish time 4.The story of the stethoscope