Mathematical induction is an important method used to prove particular math statements and is widely applicable in different branches of mathematics, among which it is most frequently used in sequences.This book is rewritten on the basis of the book Methods and Techniques for Proving by Mathematical Induction , and is written with an understanding that sequences and mathematical induction overlap and share similar ideas in the realm of mathematics knowledge. Since there are a lot of theses and books related to this topic already, the author spent quite a lot of time reviewing and refining the contents in order to avoid regurgitating information. For example, this book refers to some of the most updated Math Olympiad problems from different countries, places emphasis on the methods and techniques for dealing with problems, and discusses the connotations and the essence of mathematical induction in different contexts.The author attempts to use some common characteristics of sequences and mathematical induction to fundamentally connect Math Olympiad problems to particular branches of mathematics. In doing so. the author hopes to reveal the beauty and joy involved with math exploration and at the same time, attempts to arouse readers' interest of learning math and invigorate their courage to challenge themselves with difficult problems.
CHAPTER 1 Knowledge and Technique 1 The First Form of Mathematical Induction 2 The Second Form of Mathematicallnduction 3 Well-ordering Principle and Infinite Descent 4 General Terms and Summation of Sequences 5 Arithmetic Sequences and Geometric Sequences 6 Higher-order Arithmetic Sequences and the Method of Differences 7 Recursive Sequences 8 Periodic Sequences Exercise Set 1 CHAPTER 2 Selected Topical Discussions 9 The Fibonacci Sequence 10 Several Proofs of AM-GM Inequality 11 Choosing a Proper Span 12 Choosing the Appropriate Object for Induction 13 Make Appropriate Changes to the Propositions 14 Guessing Before Proving 15 Problems Regarding Existence with Sequences Exercise Set 2 Solutions to Exercises Solutions to Exercise Set 1 Solutions to Exercise Set 2 Bibliography