This book focuses on how to Improve national governance and corporate governance by employing institutional theories and institutional management.As a traditionalconcept in Chinese history,"institution"is also a universal social phenomenon in every company or country. The book illustrates the basic concepts and theories of institutional studIes through ancient and modern idioms, historlcal allusions,anecdotes of celebrities, and cases related to the governance of companies and states, providing new perspectives and research ideas for a profound understanding of various social phenomena and their interactions in terms of politics, economy, legislation,culture,technology, and market.
Peng Heping,director and research fellow ofthe Center for Institutional Studies at Renmin University of China (OS-RUC), served as assistant to the president of RUC,secretary-general of the Alumni Association of RUC,and secretary-general of the Education Foundation of RUC. His major works include An Introduction to System, Public Administration, Urban Administrotion,and Organizational Behavior. His translations from English include Personal Management, Organizotional 8ehovior: Understanding and Manoging Life ot Work,Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management,Organizotion Theory:Selected Readings, Public Relottons: Principles, Cases, ond Problems, Clossics of Public Administration, Personnel Management in Government:Politics and Process, Readrngs in Public Administrationf Public Monogement and Administration:An Introduction.and The Persuasive Edge.