List of Abbreviations List of Tables List of Figures Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research background l.l.1 Undesirable pedagogical gap in studies on CAT teaching 1.1.2 PBL as a promising alternative teaching approach 1.2 Research questions and research design 1.3 Significance of this study 1.4 Structure of the thesis Chapter Two CAT Teaching in Higher Education An Overview 2.1 A sketch of CAT:concept and development 2.1.1 M-T and CAT 2.1.2 CAT,TTs and Information&Communications Technologies(ICTs) 2.1.3 A summary 2.2 CAT and translation competence 2.2.1 Theoretical efforts 2.2.2 Emph-ical efforts 2.2.3 A summary 2.3 CAT and translator education 2.3.1 CAT teaching:a brief history 2.3.2 CAT teaching:the status quo at universky level 2.4 CAT teaching in higher education:a pedagogical gap 2.4.1 A pedagogical gap in practice 2.4.2 A pedagogical gap in research 2.4.3 A summary 2.5 A promising innovative approach to CAT teaching PBL 2.5.1 Tlle constructivist turn in translation pedag 2.5.2 The best exemplar of constructivist pedagol PBL 2.6 A summary Chapter Three The Research Design 3.1 Research questions 3.2 Research type 3.3 Research methodo1ogy 3.3.1 Research paradigm 3.3.2 Research procedures 3.3.3 Research methods 3.4 A summary Chapter Four Building Theoretical Connections 4.1 Clarifying the concept of PBL 4.1.1 Identifying sources of confusion about PBI 4.1.2 Defining PBL for the current study 4.2 Understanding theoretal foundations of PBL 4.2.1 PBL with social constructivist view of knowledge and learning 4.2.2 PBL as a socially situated cognitive development process 4.3 Connecting PBL with CAT teaching in higher education 4.3.1 The new social demands for the CAT COUD 4.3.2 Alignment between PBL and CAT teaching 4.4 A summary Chapter Five The Designing Process 5.1 The instructional design framework for a PBL approach tO CAT teaching 5.1.1 The framework building 5.1.2 Notes on the framework 5.2 The preliminary design 5.2.1 The context description and model selection 5.2.2 The CAT course design 5.2.3 The tutorial process 5.2.4 The scaffolding 5.2.5 The assessment design 5.3 A summary Chapter Six Findings of the Preliminary Field Test 6.1 An overview 6.1.1 A few notes tO begin with 6.1.2 General description 6.2 Findings of the first level:reaction 6.2.1 Whouv positive reaction 6.2.2 EXpressed concerns 6.2.3 Suggestions for improvement 6.2.4 A summary 6.3 F-mdings of the second level:learning 6.3.1 Findings from the self-reported data 6.3.2 Findings from the factual data 6.4 Findings of the third 1evel:behaviour 6.4.1 F.mdings from the self-reported data 6.4.2 Findings from the factual data 6.5 A summary Chapter Seven Discussion and Conclusions 7.1 The research questions revisited 7.1.1 PBL and attainment of the ILos 7.1.2 Pedagog~al implications 7.1.3 DirecticIns for future studies 7.2 Limitat:ioas of this study 7.3 ConclusioDS References Appendices Appendix 1 Participants and Grouping Information Appendix 2 The Questionnaire of Open—ended Questions Appendix 3 Student Individual Journal Template Appendix 4 Student Group Study Record Template Appendix 5 Classroom Observation Sheet Appendix 6 Structure of the Dropbox Folder Appendix 7 How tO Use the Dropbox Folder Appendix 8 A Survey on Student Needs Appendix 9 The Problems Design Matrix Appendix 10 Tlle Second Problem(Full Version) Appendix ll Sample Pages from the Brochure for Problem Appendix 12 Sample Pages from the Brochure for Problem Appendix 13 The Fourth Problem(Full Version) Appendix