Lampros A.A.Nikolopoulos,PhD, is a lecturer at the School of Physical Sciences at Dublin City University (DCU). He was brought up in Greece and holds a BSc (Hons) in physics from the Physics Department of the University of Athens, and an MSc and PhD in theoretical atomic physics from the University of Crete, Greece. His previous posts include MPQ Garching in Germany, IFA-Aarhus in Denmark, and QUB-Belfast in the UK, before he settled in Dublin. His research interests include ultra-short laser-matter quantum dynamics and development of high-performance computational methods. A recent thesis supervised by him received a prize from the UK-IOP Computational Group as the 'best PhD thesis in Computational Physics' for the year 2016. He has (co)authored over 80 journal articles, two book chapters and co-edited a special issue on 'Short-wavelength free-electron lasers'.
Prologue Acknowledgments Author biography Glossary of symbols 1 Introduction 2 Quantum dynamics 2.1 Hilbert vector states 2.1.1 iterative expansion 2.1.2 Basis expansion 2.2 Subspace dynamics 2.3 von Neumann (density) matrix states 2.3.1 IP iterative expansion 2.4 Homework problems References 3 Atomic potentials 3.1 Central field 3.2 Harmonic oscillator 3.3 Homework problems References 4 Laser pulses 4.1 Classical electrodynamics 4.2 Laser pulses in the paraxial approximation 4.3 Coherent and partially coherent fields 4.4 Homework problems References 5 Quantum systems in laser fields 5.1 Atomic TDSE in the dipole approximation 5.2 Time-dependent perturbation theory 5.3 Driven quantum oscillator 5.4 Homework problems References 6 Amplitude coefficient equations 6.1 Two-level systems 6.2 Ionization 6.2.1 Single-photon ionization 6.3 Resonant excitation and (auto-)ionization 6.4 Homework problems References 7 Density-matrix element equations 7.1 Resonant ionization 7.2 Ionization in stochastic fields 7.2.1 Averaged equations for resonant auto-ionization 7.3 Homework problems References …… 8 Matrix elements of atomic operators 9 TDSE of hydrogen-like atoms in laser fields 10 Space division of a one-dimensional TDSE 11 Quantum mechanics of vector- and matrix-states 12 Technicalities Appendix A: Mathematical formalism 編輯手記