關于作者About the author 羅敷,瑞典語名Tintin Tian Sverredal。北歐瑞典《北歐時報》副社長,北歐中瑞文化協會會長。一個在北歐瑞典生活了逾十年的MM。2012年出版隨筆集《嫁在北歐當新娘》,2015年出版散文隨筆集《這么慢,那么美》,2017年出版散文隨筆集《越簡單,越美好》,2019年出版小說《唯有愛與勇氣讓你前行》。十幾年獨特異國生活閱歷,北歐羊皮卷式生活見聞深入骨髓,緩緩道來。2015年《這么慢,那么美》一經推出,立即成為當年超級暢銷書,次年蟬聯亞馬遜2016年暢銷書榜前三,羅敷本人也躋身成為當年亞馬遜最受全球歡迎暢銷書榜十大作家之一?!哆@么慢,那么美》出版五年,至今暢銷不衰,再出修訂版。 此次,修訂版也是羅敷“北歐生活羊皮卷”系列第五本。 Luo Fu, or as she is known in Sweden, Tintin Tian Sverredal is the vice president of ChinaNews.se and the president of the China-Sweden Cultural Exchange Association. She has lived in Sweden for more than 10 years. In the year 2012, Tintin's essay collection Married to a Swede was published, in the 2015 So Slow, So Beautiful was released, in 2017 The Simpler, the Better was released and in 2019, her latest work Only Love was published. Her fascinating books are rooted in over ten years of unique experience in the foreign countries of Northern Europe; experiences which have enabled her to slowly penetrate to the core of the Northern European lifestyle. When So Slow, So Beautiful was released in 2015, it instantaneously became a gigantic bestseller and it stayed in the top 3 best selling books on Amazon throughout 2016. Like that, Luofu entered the market and quickly became one the most popular authors on Amazon that year. So Slow, So Beautiful has been selling well for over five years, thus a new revised version has been published.