Introduction I. The theory and method behind the Common Phonology II. The nature and composition of the Common Phonology of the Chinese Dialects 1. The initials of the Common Phonology 2. The finals of the Common Phonology 3. The tones of the Common Phonology Guidelines for the Data Tables Main Text and Data 1.o, uo 2. a, ea 3. ua 4. e, ie, ye 5. u,y 6. ai, oi, eai, uai, uoi 7. ei, uei 8. i, ui 9. ou 10. au, eau, iau 11. au, i□(特殊字體)u 12. om, op, am, ap 13. earn, eap, iem, iep 14. am, ap, im, ip 15. on, ot, uon, uot 16. (e)an, (e)at, uan, uat 17. ien, let, yan, yet 18. on, ot, un, ut 19. in, it, yn, yt 20. ao, ok, ea□(特殊字體), eok 21. ua□(特殊字體), uok, ia□(特殊字體), iok 22. en, ek, ue□(特殊字體), uak, uek 23. ie□(特殊字體), iek, yak, ye□(特殊字體) 24. □(特殊字體)n, □(特殊字體)k, u□(特殊字體), u□(特殊字體)k 25. i□(特殊字體), ik, yik 26. u□(特殊字體), uk, o□(特殊字體), ouk 27. y□(特殊字體), yk, io□(特殊字體), iouk References Alphabetical Index Postface