Volume I Chapter One The Situation and Tasks After the Founding of the People’s Republic of China 1 The Domestic Situation When the PRC Was Founded and the Tasks of the People’s Government 3 The Third Plenary Session of the 7th CPC Central Committee Estimating Fundamental Improvement of Financial and Economic Situation in Three Years 8 The Missions of the People’s Liberation Army 11 Chapter Two The Korean Civil War Broke Out 15 The Origin of the 38th Parallel 17 Different Policies of the US and the Soviet Union on the Korean Issue and the Establishment of Two Governments in South and North Korea 25 The Struggle and Military Preparation Focusing on the Issue of Unification of South and North Korea 39 The Korean Civil War Broke Out 45 Chapter Three US Armed Invasion of Korea and Taiwan and the Internationalization of the Korean War 51 US Policy Toward Korea and Taiwan Before the Korean Civil War 53 The US Armed Intervention of the Korean Civil War and Aggression of Taiwan 61 The Formation of US-Lead UN Forces and the Internationalization of the Korean War 74 Chapter Four The Position and Peaceful Diplomatic Efforts of the Chinese Government 85 Position of the Chinese Government After the Outbreak of the Korean War 87 Diplomatic Efforts Made by the Chinese Government to Solve the Korean Issue Peacefully 92 ii Chapter Five China Deciding to Establish the Northeast Frontier Force Based on Forethought 99 The Analysis and Decision Making on the National Security Situation by the CPC Central Committee 101 Adjusting the National Defense Deployment and Establishing the Northeast Frontier Force 111 Build-up of the Northeast Frontier Force and Adjustment of Command Relationship 119 Strengthening the Northeast Frontier Force and Deploying the Second-line and Third-line Forces 129 Chapter Six The Korean War Was Stalemated and the US Aircraft Outrageously Attacked Chinese Towns Along Northeast Border 135 Korean People’s Army Marching Southward and Swiftly Liberating Vast Areas of South Korea 137 US Troops Holding Fast to Pusan Perimeter and the Korean War Being Stalemated 146 US Aircraft Intruding into Chinese Airspace and Attacking Towns and Villages on Northeastern Border 154 Chapter Seven War Preparation of the Northeast Frontier Force 159 Mobilization and Deployment at the Shenyang Military Conference 161 Political Mobilization and Education 167 Military Training 172 Reorganization and Equipment Adjustment 181 Logistical Support and Material Preparation 190 Chapter Eight The US Troops Landing at Inchon and the War Situation Reversed 197 The US Troops Landing at Inchon 199 The US Army Launching All-Round Counterattacks and the KPA Switching to Strategic Retreat 210 Suggestions of the CPC to North Korea After the US Landing at Inchon 217 Chapter Nine The US Ground Troops Crossing the 38th Parallel and Advancing Northward in an Attempt to Occupy the Whole Korea 225 The US Government Deciding to Cross the 38th Parallel and Occupy the Whole Korea 227 iii The Chinese Government Warning the US Not to Cross the 38th Parallel and Expand the War 240 The US Manipulating the UN to Pass the Illegal Resolution and the US Ground Troops Crossing the 38th Parallel to Invade North Korea 248 Chapter Ten Korea Requesting China to Provide Military Assistance and the CPC Central Committee Deciding to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and Defend China 257 The Workers’ Party of Korea and North Korean Government Requesting the Soviet Union and China to Provide Direct Military Assistance 259 The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Deciding to Establish the CPVs to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and Safeguard China 268 Consultation Between China and the Soviet Union on Sending Troops to Aid Korea 290 Chapter Eleven China’s Deployment and Preparations for the Victory of the Korean War 303 The CPC Central Committee’s Judgment on the Development of Situation After the CPVs Joining the War 305 Adjustment of the Priority of Army Building and Preparations of Air Defense and Coastal Defense 308 Making War Plans in Korea and Three-Year Development Plans for the Arms and Forces and Asking for the Soviet Assistance in Weaponry and Equipment 316 Northeast Administrative Region Serving as the General Rear Base for the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea 320 Adjusting Fiscal Policies for the War in Korea 325 Accelerating the Elimination of Bandits, Implementation of Land Reform and Suppressing Counter-Revolutionaries 328 The Movement to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea 335 Chapter Twelve The Chinese People’s Volunteers Advancing to the Korean Battlefield 341 The Mobilization and Preparation of the CPVs Before Joining Battle 343 The Initial Operational Plan of the CPVs 353 The Education on Policies and Discipline of Overseas Operations by the CPVs 359 The CPVs Advancing to Korea to Kick Off the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea 365 iv Chapter Thirteen The Battlefield Situation at the Time of CPVs Entry into Korea and the Change of Original Operational Plan 373 The CPVs Entering the Korean Battlefield in Battle Stance 375 The Battlefield Situation at the Time of the CPVs Entry into Korea 379 The Strength and Equipment of the Belligerent Sides at the Time of the CPVs Entry into Korea 387 The UN Forces Moving Northward to the Sino-Korean Borders; the CPVs Deciding to Wipe Out the Enemy One by One in Movement 395 Mao Zedong’s Determination to Strive for Every Possible Victory on the Basis of Certainty and Reliability 402 Chapter Fourteen The First Campaign 407 The CPVs Seizing Opportunities to Win the First Campaign 409 The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea Beginning and the First Campaign Kicking Off 420 The CPVs Separately Annihilating the Enemy Advancing Rashly 425 The CPVs Dealing a Heavy Blow to the US 1st Cavalry Division in the Battle of Unsan 438 The US 8th Army in Full Retreat; the CPVs Main Force Pushing Forward to Chongchon River 453 On the Eastern Front the CPVs Blocking and Preventing the US 10th Corps from Moving Northward and Westward 463 Chapter Fifteen The Domestic and Oversea Views About China’s Military Action in Korea 473 The Xinhua News Agency’s First Report of the CPVs Entering the War and a Multi-Party Joint Declaration Issued 475 Countries in the Pro-Democracy Camp and Peace-Loving People Expressing Support for the CPVs Action 480 The US Government’s Slander Against the CPVs and the Chinese Government’s Refutation 484 Chapter Sixteen The UN Forces Deciding to Launch an All-Out Offensive and the CPVs Deployment Fundamentally Reversing the Korean War Situation 489 Judgments and Decisions of the US Government About Objectives of the CPVs Entering the Korean War 491 The Plan and Preparations of an All-Out Offensive of the UN Forces 504 v The CPVs Guideline for the Second Campaign 512 The CPVs Preparation for the Second Campaign 522 The CPVs Successfully Luring the Enemy to the Predetermined Battlefields 528 Chapter Seventeen Operations on the Western Front in the Second Campaign 541 The CPVs Deployment of Counteroffensives on the Western Front in the Second Campaign 543 The CPVs Making a Breakthrough by Wiping Out the Majoirty of the South Korean 7th and 8th Divisions in the Battles of Tokchon and Nyongwon 549 The CPVs Encircling the US 9th Corps from Three Directions by Outflanking to the Rear and Mounting Frontal Assaults 559 The CPVs Inflicting Heavy Casualties on the US 9th Corps in the Battle of the Chongchon River 573 Chapter Eighteen Operations on the Eastern Front in the Second Campaign and the CPVs Bringing the Offensive to a Successful End 585 The CPVs Deployment of Counterattacks on the Eastern Front 587 The CPVs 9th Formation Separating and Encircling US Forces in the Changjin Reservoir Area 595 In the Battle at Sinhungri, CPVs Forces Wiping Out RCT-31 of the US 7th Division 602 The CPVs Annihilating the Ace US 1st Marine Division Through Encirclement, Pursuit, Blocking and Interception 609 The UN Forces Retreating in Defeat to Areas South of the 38th Parallel and the CPVs Forces Successfully Ending the Second Campaign 621 Chapter Nineteen Major Victory of the Chinese People on the Diplomatic Front 635 The Chinese Government Requesting the UN Security Council to Discuss the Proposal Concerning US Aggression Against Taiwan 637 The Chinese Representative Accusing the US of Its Aggression Crime at the UNSC 649 Chapter Twenty Decision to Foil US Attempt to Play with “Ceasefire” 659 Nuclear Intimidation of the US President and Talks Between Heads of the US and Britain 661 The US “Ceasefire” Plot and the Chinese Foreign Minister’s Statement 672 Mao Zedong’s Analysis of the War Situation and His Decisions 682 vi Establishment of the Sino-Korean United Command 691 Chapter Twenty-One The Third Campaign 697 Defeatist Sentiments of the UN Forces and Its Deployment After Retreating to the 38th Parallel 699 Deployment and Preparations of the CPVs and KPA Forces 704 Breaking Through the Established Positions of the UN Forces at the 38th Parallel 715 Pursuing the Enemy and Occupying Seoul 723 Closing In on the 37th Parallel and Calling Off the Battle in Good Time 728 Appendix I: Tables of Organization Order 1-8 735 Index 747 Proper Nouns 747 Personal Names 749 Place Names 752
Volume II Chapter Twenty-Two The CPVs and KPA Troops Making Preparations for the Spring Offensive 1 The CPVs and KPA Troops Shifting to Rest and Reorganization, Making Preparations for the Spring Offensive 3 Mao Zedong’s Analysis of and Directions on the War 8 China-Korea Joint Meeting of Senior Military Commanders Was Convened to Unify Operational Thinking 13 Preparations at the General Logistic Base 23 Chapter Twenty-Three The US Trying to Get Rid of the Trouble and China and North Korea’s Policies on Peaceful Settlement of the Korean Issue 31 The US Authorities Were Already in Trouble Due to the Defeat in Battle 33 The US Continuing to Play With the “Ceasefire” Conspiracy. China and North Korea’s Policies on Peaceful Settlement of the Korean Issue 39 The US Slandering China as “Aggressor” and the Statement by the Chinese Government 45 Chapter Twenty-Four Phase I Operations of the Fourth Campaign 51 The UN Forces Launching Counterattack after Reorganization 53 The CPVs and the KPA Suspending Rest and Reorganization to Deploy the Fourth Campaign 60 Solid Defensive Operations on the South Bank of the Hangang River 64 Counterattacking in Heongsong 71 Jiphyongri Battle 82 Chapter Twenty-Five The Guideline of Fighting in Turns and Stabilizing and Constructing While Fighting 93 The Determination of the Guideline of Fighting in Turns 95 The Second Batch Troops Entering North Korea and the Operational Preparation of the Third Batch Troops 101 ii Implementing the Guideline of Stabilizing and Constructing While Fighting 108 Chapter Twenty-Six Phase II Operations of the Fourth Campaign 111 Decision and Deployment of the CPVs and the KPA on Shifting to Defense in Movement at All Fronts 113 The UN Forces Launching “Operation Killer” and the Defensive Operations of the CPVs and the KPA 117 The UN Forces Launching “Operation Ripper” and the Defensive Operations of the CPVs and the KPA 122 The UN Forces Launching “Operation Rugged” and the Defensive Operations of the CPVs and the KPA 134 Chapter Twenty-Seven Chinese Movement to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea 139 Instructions on In-depth Development of the Movement to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea by CPC Central Committee 141 China’s Opposition to US Rearmament of Japan and Separately Making Peace with Japan 144 Patriotic Pledges and Patriotic Production Emulation 150 Appreciation Conveyed to the Most Beloved People 154 The Upsurge to Join the Army and Support the Front 157 Chapter Twenty-Eight Differences and Contradictions Among the US-UK Junta on Policies of Aggression Against Korea 161 The Europeans and Americans Demanded to End the War Through Negotiation As Soon As Possible 163 The US Government Considering Adjusting Policies on Aggression Against Korea and Internal Disputes 169 The Deployment and Action of the UN Forces Advancing Northward After Crossing the 38th Parallel Again 180 Chapter Twenty-Nine Proposal of “Prepare for Long War, but Strive for Short-Term” Policy and Deployment of the Fifth Campaign 187 Proposal of “Prepare for Long War, but Strive for Short-Term” Policy 189 The CPVs Deployment and Preparations for the Fifth Campaign 200 Chapter Thirty Phase I Operations of the Fifth Campaign 211 Battlefield Situation Before the CPVs Launching the Offensive 213 iii The CPVs and the KPA Attacking on All Fronts and Breaking Through the 38th Parallel Once Again 221 The CPVs and the KPA Developing Offensive and Approaching Seoul 236 Chapter Thirty-One Phase II Operations of the Fifth Campaign 245 The CPVs and KPA Deployment in Phase II of the Fifth Campaign 247 The CPVs Feinting on the Western Front While the Main Force Transfering to the East 256 The CPVs and the KPA Annihilating the Majority of the South Korean 3rd and 9th Divisions in the Battle of Hyonri 262 The CPVs and the KPA Ending Offensives and the Phase II Operations 268 Chapter Thirty-Two Transfering Phase of the Fifth Campaign 275 Deployment for Transfer and Rest of the Main Forces of the CPVs and the KPA 277 UN Forces Counterattacking on All Fronts and Throwing the CPVs Main Force into Passivity in the Initial Period of Transfer 282 The CPVs and KPA Main Forces Launching Blockings to Stabilize the Battle Line North and South of the 38th Parallel 304 Chapter Thirty-Three The US Adjusting Policies on the Korean War. The CPC Central Committee Adopting Guideline of “Negotiating While Fighting” 315 Both Sides Reaching a Balance and the War in Deadlock 317 The US Adjusting Korean War Policies 323 The CPC Central Committee Confirming Guideline of “Negotiating While Fighting” 336 The CPVs Party Committee Holding Enlarged Meeting to Convey Operations Guideline 346 Preparations of the CPVs for Long-Lasting Operations 354 Chapter Thirty-Four The Struggles Against Blockade, Embargo and the US and Japan Making a Separate Peace. The Campaign of Donating Aircraft and Artillery 365 The Struggles for Counter-Blockade and Counter-Embargo 367 The Struggles Against the US Rearmament of Japan and the Separate Peace Talks Between the US and Japan 383 The Campaign of Donating Aircraft and Artillery in China 389 iv Chapter Thirty-Five The Armistice Negotiations Commenced 399 The Prelude of the Armistice Negotiations 401 China’s Publicity About the Armistice Negotiations to the Chinese People and the CPVs Troops 407 The Armistice Negotiations Commenced 412 The Negotiations on the Agenda 419 The Battles During the Early Period of the Armistice Negotiations 432 Chapter Thirty-Six Negotiation over Military Demarcation Line and Suspension of the Negotiation 439 Different Positions of Two Sides on the Issue of Military Demarcation Line 441 The Korean-Chinese Side Refuting the US Side on the “Superiority of Navy and Air Force” 446 Analysis and Suggestions of CPVs Delegation on the Issue of Military Demarcation Line 458 US Provocations in the Negotiation Area Resulting in the Suspension of the Armistice Talk 465 Chapter Thirty-Seven The Sixth Campaign Plan and Operation Preparations in Tandem with the Negotiations 471 Proposal of the Sixth Campaign 473 Design and Preparation for the Sixth Campaign 480 Guideline of Coordinating the Operation Preparations and the Negotiations and Cancellation of the Sixth Campaign 488 Chapter Thirty-Eight Crushing the 1951 Summer Offensive of the UN Forces 493 The UN Forces Launching the Summer Offensive 495 The KPA’s Defense Operations 499 The CPVs Combat Operations 508 Chapter Thirty-Nine Guideline of Positional Warfare and Adjustment of Battlefield Disposition 515 The Thought of “Learning to Conduct Both Positional Assault and Positional Defense” 517 Guideline of Coastal Defense and Compositions of Combined Command for Coastal Defense 523 v Adjustment of Defense Disposition 531 Chapter Forty Smashing the 1951 Autumn Offensive of the UN Forces 535 The UN Forces Launching the Autumn Offensive 537 Smashing the Attacks of the UN Forces on the Western Front 543 Smashing the Attacks of the UN Forces on the Eastern Front 553 Chapter Forty-One Resumption of Armistice Negotiation and Military Demarcation Line Agreed 567 Resumption of Negotiation on Armistice 569 The CPVs Launching Local Tactical Counterattacks 581 Kaesong Defense Battle and Islands Capture Battle 587 Agreement Reached on the Issue of the Military Demarcation Line 596 Appendix I: Tables of Organization Order 9-13 603 Index 619 Proper Nouns 619 Personal Names 621 Place Names 624
Volume III Chapter Forty-two Smashing the “Operation Strangle” of the US Armed Forces 1 The US Armed Forces Launching the “Operation Strangle” 3 Decision and Measures of the Central Military Commission and the Chinese People’s Volunteers to Deal with the “Operation Strangle” 13 The CPVs Air Force Combat Operations Against the “Operation Strangle” of the US Air Force 20 The CPVs Artillery Operations Against the “Operation Strangle” 28 The Fight of the CPVs Railroad Rush Repair and Transport Troops Against the “Operation Strangle” of the US Air Force 38 The Fight of the Highway System Against the “Operation Strangle” of the US Air Force 47 The US Air Force Declaring the Failure of the “Operation Strangle” 52 Chapter Forty-Three The Establishment of the Idea to Hold Fast to the Defense Positions and the Fight to Consolidate Positions 57 The Establishment of the Idea to Hold Fast to Defense Positions 59 Building the Defense System of Fortified Positions with Tunnels as Backbones 63 The CPVs Holding a Meeting of Cadres above Formation Level and Further Implementing the Defense Policy of Holding Fast to the Positions 72 The Battlefield Activities of the “UN Forces” after the Agreement on the Military Demarcation Line 78 Battle Activities in Consolidation of the Positions 82 Chapter Forty-Four Smashing the US Germ Warfare 95 The Secret Germ Warfare of the US Armed Forces in the Northern Part of Korea and Part of China 97 The Decision That the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission Made on Anti-Germ Warfare 104 The Chinese and the Korean Governments and Peoples Jointly Accusing the United States of Its Germ Warfare Crimes 112 ii Organizing Investigation of the US Germ Warfare and Release the Confessions of American Pilots 119 The Anti-Germ Warfare Epidemic Prevention and Treatment and the Patriotic Epidemic Prevention and Public Health Campaign 127 Chapter Forty-Five Struggle over Item 3, Item 4 and Item 5 of the Agenda of the Armistice Negotiations and Deadlock over Item 4 137 Negotiations on Armistice Arrangement 139 Negotiation on the Recommendations to the Governments of the Countries Concerned on Both Sides 158 ..............