TimNiblock Academic Committee Member and Co-chair ofthe Postdoctor-al. Programme at the Institute for Inter-national and Area Studies at Tsinghua University. He is also Emeritus Professor of Middle East Politics at the Institute for Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter.Yang Guang Director of the Institute for International and Area Studies at Tsinghua University, Distinguished Professor at Shanghai University, as well as President of the Chinese Association for Middle East Studies and Vice Presi-dent of the Chinese Society ofAsian and African Studies.ZhouYan Assistant Research Pro-fessor at the Institute for International and Area Studies at Tsinghua University,as well as Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Latin American Centre,St Ant-ony's College at the University of Oxford.
INTRODUCTION CHAPTER ONE Lessons from the Past.Perspectives for the Future CHAPTER TWO Reflections on the Challenges to the Development of Area Expertise CHAPTER THREE The Struggle of the Vietnamese People to Create a Unified Independent State:Theory and Practice of the Experience in the Colonial Period CHAPTER FOUR Ethnonationalism.Class Formation and Majority Hegemony in Postcolonial State-Building in Sri Lanka CHAPTER FIVE The Symbiosis of Individual and Society:an AnthrOpOlOgical Observation Regarding Tianguis in Mexico City CHAPTER SIX Ethnic and Tribal Factors in Kazakhstani Politics CHAPTER SEVEN The Road to Elite Higher Education for Brazilian Students with Low Socioeconomic Status CHAPTER EIGHT The Return of Refugees and Reconstruction in Syria CHAPTER NINE Evaluating Special Economic Zones in South Africa:History,Performance and Challenges