This study is an attempt to resolve the adaptational problems of English learning during the first year of non-English majors in a Chinese university and to help them to successfully adapt themselves to college English learning. In China, the adaptation to college English learning during the transitional period from high school to college is particularly stressful for freshmen because of various disconnections or differences between the two stages. This has received long and ongoing attention from researchers and administrators for the past decades. However, most researchers seem to pay more attention to the adaptational difficulties caused by inconsistency and disjuncture in teaching and curriculum and developing effective measures to bridge the gaps with little consideration of their individual factors. Since research on college students and the present situation of Chinese ELF education has revealed that some impediments caused by individual factors have resulted in freshmen's failure in their adaptation to college English learning, such a study provides both teachers and first-year university students with possible solutions and constructive strategies to solve the adaptational problems. In addition, it enriches and supplements the findings of previous studies in this field.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research Background 1.2 Objectives of the Study 1.3 Organization of This Book Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Review of Research on Academic Adaptation 2.3 Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategy Training in LA 2.4 Summary Chapter 3 Conceptual Model of Factors Affecting Adaptation to College EFL Learning 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Theoretical Basis 3.3 A Conceptual Model of Factors Affecting Adaptation to EFL Learning 3.4 Factors Selected from the Model as the Focus of This Study 3.5 Factors in the Model That Are Excluded in This Study 3.6 Summary …… Chapter 4 Problem Diagnosis: A Preliminary Survey Chapter 5 An Intervention Study on Students' Adaptation to College English Learning Chapter 6 Pedagogical Implications Chapter 7 Major Findings, Limitations and Recommendations References Appendices Acknowledgements