Unit 1 Writing Academically 1.What is academic writing? 1.1 Introduction 1.2 A well-structured academic research paper 1.3 Reading activity 2.How do we write academically? 2.1 Using academic words 2.2 Using nominalization 2.3 Writing formally 2.4 Writing concisely 2.5 Avoiding plagiarism 2.5.1 APA in-text citations-direct (quotations) and indirect citations 2.5.2 APA reference style Unit 2 Forming an Effective Academic Sentence 1.What is a sentence? 1.1 Introduction 1.2 A tree-like English sentence 1.3 Reading activity 2.How do we form an effective academic sentence? 2.1 Expanding sentences with noun phrases(NPs)- 2.2 Writing correct sentences 2.2.1 Subject-verb agreements 2.2.2 Pronoun-antecedent agreements 2.2.3 Coordination & subordination Unit 3 Developing a Logical Paragraph 1.What is a paragraph? 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Alogiclly ordered paragraph structure 1.3 Reading activity 2.How do we develop a logical paragraph? 2.1 Controlling the topic 2.2 Unifying a paragraph 2.3 Connecting the sentences logically 2.3.1 Thematic progression(TP)-the smooth “flow”between sentences 2.3.2 The other cohesive devices-logical connectors Unit 4 Introducing the Research Topic 1.What is the introduction to a research paper? 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The structural layout of an introduction 1.3 Reading activity 2.How do we write the introduction section? 2.1 Establishing a research contextbackeground 2.2 Writing a literature review 2.2.1 Previous studies 2.2.2 Research problems 2.3 Determining the purpose of the research 2.4 Forming the outline of the paper Unit 5 Describing Research Methods 1.What are the research methods? 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Structure of methods section 1.3 Reading activity 2.How do we write the methods section? 2.1 Presenting experimental designs 2.2 Describing methods 2.3 Describing the experimental sampling method 2.4 Describing research materials or instruments 2.5 Narating or explaining the experimental procedure 2.6 Collecting and analyzing the data Unit 6 Presenting Results and Discussing Major Findings 1.What are the research results & discussion? 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Moves in writing R&D section 1.3 Reading activity 2.How do we present research results and discuss the major findings? 2.1 Presenting research results 2.2 Discussing major findings 2.3 Using hedging words Unit7 Writing an English Abstract 1.What is the research paper abstract? 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The general format of an abstract 1.2.1 Types of abstracts 1.2.2 Structure of an abstract 1.3 Reading activity 2.How do we write an English abstract? 2.1 Introducing the research topic 2.2 Presenting the used methods 2.3 Stating the results of the study 2.4 Making discussion or drawing conclusions Keys to Exercises Bibliography