Gong Jian,PhD, Master student supervisor, Associate Professor at the School of Foreign Languages,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology. He obtained an MSc in Advanced Software Engineering from the University of Sheffield, UK, and a PhDin Applied Linguistics from the University of the Basque Country, Spain. His research interests include speech perception, second language acquisition,psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, speech signal processing, and computational modelling of speech perception. He is now a council member of the Chinese Second Language Processing Association,a member of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), and the International Phonetic Association (IPA). He has published several papers in top journals and conferences including Speech Communication, System, Interspeech and ICPhS.He has been the Principle Investigator for several projects supported by the Humanities and Social Science Fund of the Ministry of Education of China,and the Jiangsu Social Science Fund.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Book structure Chapter 2 Speech perception and L2 sounds acquisition 2.1 Theories of speech perception 2.1.1 Motor Theory 2.1.2 Direct Realist Theory 2.1.3 General Auditory Approach 2.2 11 influence and the theoretical models in L2 sounds acquisition 2.2.1 Perceptual Assimilation Model 2.2.2 Speech Learning Model 2.2.3 PAM-L2 Model 2.2.4 Native Language Magnet Model 2.3 Age, input and other factors in L2 sounds acquisition 2.3.1 Critical period hypothesis 2.3.2 AOL and AOA 2.3.3 LOR and exposure 2.3.4 Other individual factors 2.3.5 Dialect and regional accent influences on speech perception …… Chapter 3 Towards a quantitative model of Mandarin Chinese perception of English consonants Chapter 4 A computational modelling approach to the development of L2 sounds acquisition Chapter 5 Rapid learning of foreign language sounds:An investigation into Spanish consonant acquisition by Chinese learners Chapter 6 Computational modelling the development of Spanish consonant acquisition by Chinese listeners Chapter 7 Consonant space modelling using Generative Topographic Mapping Chapter 8 Summary and future directions Appendix A Spanish consonant confusions for Chinese listeners Appendix B Model-listener RMS distance and shape indices Appendix C Hinton diagrams for model and listener Spanish consonant confusion matrices Appendix D KL distances between Spanish consonants in GTM List of Figures List of Tables Bibliography Postscript