第一章 綜合與國民核算 General Suvey and National Accounts 1-1自然地理與行政區(qū)劃 Natural Geography and Administrative Division 1-2分地區(qū)日照時數(shù)(2018) Sunshine Hours by Region(2018) 1-3分地區(qū)降水量(2018) Precipitation by Region(2018) 1-4分地區(qū)平均氣溫(2018) Average Temperature by Region(2018) 1-5分地區(qū)水文情況(2018) Hydrologic Condition by Region(2018) 1-6全市主要年份國民經(jīng)濟主要指標 Major National Economy Indicators in Main Years 1-7全市主要年份國民經(jīng)濟主要指標發(fā)展速度 Growth Rates of Major National Economy Indicators in Main Years 1-8市區(qū)主要年份國民經(jīng)濟主要指標 Major National Economy Indicators of Urban District in Main Years 1-9市區(qū)主要年份國民經(jīng)濟主要指標發(fā)展速度 Growth Rates of Major National Economy Indicators in Main Years 1-10全市生產(chǎn)總值(1982-2018) Gross Domestic Product(1982-2018) 1-11全市生產(chǎn)總值增長率(1982-2018) Growth Rates of Gross Domestic Product(1982-2018) 1-12全市生產(chǎn)總值指數(shù)(1982-2018) Indices of Gross Domestic Product(1982-2018) 1-13全市生產(chǎn)總值構成(1982-2018) Structure of Gross Domestic Product(1982-2018) 1-14市區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值(1982-2018) Gross Domestic Product of Urban District(1982-2018) 1-15市區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值增長率(1982-2018) Growth Rates of Gross Domestic Product of Urban District(1982-2018) 1-16市區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值指數(shù)(1982-2018) Indices of Gross Domestic Product of Urban District(1982-2018) 1-17市區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值構成(1982-2018) Structure of Gross Domestic Product of Urtban Disrict (1982-2018) 1-18分地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值(1982-2018) Gross Domestic Product by Region(1982-2018) 1-19分地區(qū)**產(chǎn)業(yè)增加值(1982-2018) Value Added of Primary Industry(1982-2018) 1-20分地區(qū)第二產(chǎn)業(yè)增加值((1982-2018) Value Added of Secondary Industy(1982-2018) 1-21分地區(qū)工業(yè)增加值(1982-2018) Yalue Added of Industry(1982-2018) 1-22分地區(qū)第三產(chǎn)業(yè)增加值(1982-2018) Value Added of Tertiary Industry(1982-2018) 1-23分地區(qū)人均生產(chǎn)總值(1982-2018) Gross Domestic Product Per Capia(1982-2018) 1-24分地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值增長率(1982-2018) Growth Rates of Grss tDomestic Product by Resion(1982-2018) 1-25分地區(qū)**產(chǎn)業(yè)增加值增長率(1982-2018) Growth Rates of Value-added of the Primary Industry(1982-2018) 1-26分地區(qū)第二產(chǎn)業(yè)增加值增長率(1982-2018) Crowth Rates of Value-added of the secondary Industry(1982-2018) 1-27分地區(qū)工業(yè)增加值增長率(1982-2018) Growth Rates of Value-added of Industry(1982-2018) 1-28分地區(qū)第三產(chǎn)業(yè)增加值增長率(1982-2018) Growth Rates of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry(1982-2018) 1-29分地區(qū)人均GDP增長率(1982-2018) Growth Rates of Percapita Gross Domestic Product(1982-2018) 1-30分地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值發(fā)展指數(shù)(1982-2018) Indices of Gross Domestic Product by Region(1982-2018) 1-31分地區(qū)**產(chǎn)業(yè)增加值發(fā)展指數(shù)(1982-2018) Indices of Value -added of the Primary Industry by Region (1982-2018) 1-32分地區(qū)第二產(chǎn)業(yè)增加值發(fā)展指數(shù)(1982-2018) Indices of Value -added of the Secondary Industry by Region(1982-2018) 1-33分地區(qū)工業(yè)增加值發(fā)展指數(shù)(1982-2018) Indices of Value -added of the Industry by Region(1982-2018) 1-34分地區(qū)第三產(chǎn)業(yè)增加值發(fā)展指數(shù)(1982-2018) Indices of Value-added of the Tertiary Industry by Region(1982-2018) 1-35分地區(qū)人均GDP發(fā)展指數(shù)(1982-2018) Indices of Percapita Gross Domestic Product by Region(1982-2018) 1-36全市、市區(qū)第三產(chǎn)業(yè)分行業(yè)增加值(2013-2018) Gross Domestic Product by Sector(2013-2018) 1-37分地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值核算數(shù)據(jù)(2018) Gross Domestic Product by Region(2018) 主要統(tǒng)計指標解釋 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicator 第二章 人口與勞動力 Population and Labor 2-1主要年份年末總戶數(shù)和總人口數(shù) Total Year-End Households and Population in Main Years 2-2主要年份全市人口變動情況 Population Changes in Main Years 2-3主要年份市區(qū)年末總戶數(shù)和總人口數(shù) Total Year-End Households and Population of Urban District in Main Years …… 第三章 人民生活、社會保障與物價 第四章 固定資