Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Literature review 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Structure of the book Chapter 2 Determinants of agricultural protection trends in China: Theory 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Literature review 2.3 Income distribution model 2.4 Political support model 2.5 Conclusions Chapter 3 Determinants of agricultural protection trends in China: Empirics 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Literature review 3.3 Data and methodology 3.4 Main results 3.5 Robustness checks 3.6 Conclusions Appendix Chapter 4 Geographic politics, loss aversion, and trade policy: The case of cotton and China 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Literature review 4.3 Geography, politically sensitive products, and preference 4.4 Theoretical framework 4.5 Empirical test 4.6 Conclusions Chapter 5 Political economy of trade and storage policies coordination, and the role of domestic public storage in the world market 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Literature review 5.3 Government motivations behind domestic storage policies 5.4 Data and methodology 5.5 Diagnostic tests, estimation, and forecast evaluations 5.6 Simulations 5.7 Conclusions Chapter 6 Conclusion and policy implications 6.1 Concluding remarks 6.2 Policy implications Appendix: List of Abbreviations Bibliography