第4篇 國際會議信息/165 Pre-symposium of 16th International Congress on Catalysis and 2nd International Symposium of Institute for Catalysis,“Novel Catalysts for Energy and Environmental Issues” 中島清隆/166 11th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium (NGCS 11) 小河脩平/169 The 18th International Zeolite Conference (18 IZC) 片田直伸/172 16th International Congress on Catalysis(16th ICC) 清水研一/175 Pre -symposium of ICC16: International Symposium on Catalytic Conversions of Biomass (ISCCB—2016) 西村俊/177 Defects in Semiconductors:Gordon Research Conference 兼古寬之/179 Chemeca 2016(國際化工會議) 清川貴康/181 International Symposium on Catalysis & Fine Chemicals 2016(C&FC2016) 水垣共雄/184