中文學術(shù)論文 一、論文篇 空間電荷對:PE薄膜電擊穿的影響 低密度聚乙烯的熱激電流峰溫與場強關(guān)系 炭黑-聚乙烯復合物的導電特性 粉低密度聚乙烯的礦物填料改性 溫度及濕度對不同應力模式下低密度聚乙烯薄膜電擊穿強度的影響 電極材料表面改性對交聯(lián)聚乙烯內(nèi)空間電荷注入的影響 聚酰亞胺薄膜表面電荷的開爾文力顯微鏡研究 復雜運行條件下交聯(lián)電纜載流量研究 低溫脅迫對鯉紅細胞膜表面結(jié)構(gòu)的影響及相關(guān)基因分析 Mg:Mn:Fe:LiNbO3晶體的全息存儲性能 雙酚A環(huán)氧樹脂/脂環(huán)族環(huán)氧樹脂的共混改性研究 基于統(tǒng)計分析和模糊推理的運行交聯(lián)聚乙烯電力電纜絕緣老化診斷 聚酰亞胺/TiO2納米雜化薄膜耐電暈性能的研究 聚乙烯/銀納米顆粒復合物的分子動力學模擬研究 局部放電超高頻信號時頻特性與傳播距離的關(guān)系 靜電力顯微鏡研究二相材料及其界面介電特性 多鐵材料BiFeO3的制備與表征 太赫茲波段表面等離子光子學研究進展 改性納米Fe3O4與低密度聚乙烯組成復合介質(zhì)的介電譜分析 粉導電炭黑填充EVA半導電電極對聚乙烯中空間電荷注入的影響 聚合物/無機納米復合電介質(zhì)介電性能及其機理最新研究進展 LDPE中摻入浮石粉對其空間電荷分布特性的影響 基于類耿氏效應的低密度聚乙烯中空間電荷包行為的模擬仿真 高直流電場下PET薄膜的電致發(fā)光及其可靠性 高介電常數(shù)的聚合物基納米復合電介質(zhì)材料 TSC/TSL聯(lián)合譜在絕緣聚合物電老化研究中的應用 二、綜述篇 談談對絕緣電介質(zhì)的模糊認識——從事此領(lǐng)域五十年后的體會與深度迷茫 工程電介質(zhì)理論的回顧、思考及對策 納米高聚物復合材料的結(jié)構(gòu)特性、應用和發(fā)展趨勢及其思考 關(guān)于工程電介質(zhì)中幾個經(jīng)常涉及的問題與思考 量子力學的希爾伯特空間矢量表示法 固體電介質(zhì)的高場電導 三、報告篇 納米電介質(zhì)的結(jié)構(gòu)及運動的時空多層次性及其思考 納米電介質(zhì)的結(jié)構(gòu)及運動的時空多層次性及其思考(ICPADM) 四、講授篇 電介質(zhì)物理的理論基礎(chǔ) 高壓直流絕緣介質(zhì)中的空間電荷效應及其抑制方法 納米高聚物介電復合物的研究現(xiàn)狀、方法及思考 介電現(xiàn)象及其近代應用 外文學術(shù)論文 Der Einflu北塔 yon Feuchtigkeit auf das Ladungsspei Cherungsverhahen von Polyethylen bei hoher Gleichspannungsbeanspruchung Thermallv Stimulated Current Studies on Polyimide Film Effect of Temperature and High Pressure on Conductive Behaviour of Polyacene Quinone Radical Polymers A New Method of Auto-separating Thermally Stimulated Current Electrical and Magnetic Properties of New Polyacene Quinone Radical C0-polymers Synthesized by Condensation Electrical Properties of Polymer Composites:Conducting Polymer—polyacene Quinone Radical Polymer SimuhaneoUS Thermoluminescence and Thermally Stimulated Current inPolyamide Improvement Upon Our Previous Method for Auto—separating Thermally Stimulated Current Curves Preparation and Characterization of Polyimide/A1203 Hybrid Films by Sol-gel Process AFM I mages of G1-phase Premature Condensed Chromosomes: Evidence for 30nm Changed to 50nm Chromatin Fibers Effects of Oxygen Plasma Treatment Power on Surface Properties of Poly(p-phenylene Benzobisoxazole) Fibers Bipolar High-repetition-rate High-voltage Nanosecond Pulser Short-term Breakdown and Long-term Failure in Nanodielectrics: A Review The Effects of Coupling Agents on the Properties of Polyimide/Nano-Al2O3 Three-Layer Hybrid Films Effect of Deep Trapping States on Space Charge Suppression in Polyethylene/ZnO Nanocomposite Theory of Modified Thermally Stimulated Current and Direct Determination of Trap Lvel Distribution Effect of Corona Ageing on the Structure Changes of Polyimide and Polyimide/Al2O3 Nanocomposite Films A Method to Observe Fast Dynamic Space Charge in Thin Dielectric Films Synthesis of Polyacene Quinone Radical Polymers by Solvothermal Method Electrical and Mechanical Property Study on Three-component Polyimide Nanocomposite Films with Titanium Dioxide and Montmorillonite The Property and Microstructure Study of Polyimide/Nano-TiO2 Hybrid Films with Sandwich Structures Growth of Carbon Nanofibers Catalyzed by Silica-coated Copper Nanoparticles FFIR and Dielectric Studies of Electrical Aging in Polyimide under AC Voltage Investigation of Electrical Properties of LDPE/ZnO Nanocomposite Dielectrics Thermal Pulse Measurements of Space Charge Distributions under an Applied Electric Field in Thin Films Surface Morphology and Raman Analysis of the Polyimide Film Aged under Bipolar Pulse Voltage Reduction of Space Charge Breakdown in E-beam Irradiated Nano/Polymethyl Methacrylate Composites Characteristics and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Resin Surface Layers Fluorinated at Different Temperatures Rapid Potential Decay on Surface Fluorinated Epoxy Resin Samples Space Charge Suppression Induced by Deep Traps in Polyethylene/Zeolite Nanocomposite Smart Electrorheological Behavior of Cr-doped Multiferroelectric FeBiO3Nanoparticles Enhanced Dielectric Performance of Amorphous Calcium Copper Titanate/Polyimide Hybrid Film Numerical Analysis of Packetlike Charge Behavior in Low-density Polyethylene by a Gunn Effectlike Model Stepwise Electric Field Induced Charging Current and Its Correlation with Space Charge Formation in LDPE/ZnO Nanocomposite The Application of Low Frequency Dielectric Spectroscopy to Analyze the Electrorheological Behavior of Monodisperse Yolk-shell SiO/TiO2 Nanospheres Flexible Self-healing Nanocomposites for Recoverable Motion Sensor Enhanced Dielectric Performance of Three Phase Percolative Composites Based on Thermoplastic-ceramic Composites and Surface Modified Carbon Nanotube Evolutions of Surface Characteristics and Electrical Properties of the Fluorinated Epoxy Resin during Ultraviolet Irradiation High Performance of Polyimide/CaCu3Ti4O12@ Ag Hybrid Films with Enhanced Dielectric Permittivity and Low Dielectric Loss 附錄 院士手跡