Foreword Preface 1.Introduction to Android Performance Performance Matters to Your Users Ecommerce and Performance Beyond Ecommerce Sales Performance Infrastructure Savings The Ultimate Performance Fail: Outages Performance as a Rolling Outage Consumer Reaction to Performance Bugs Smartphone Battery Life: The Canary in the Coal Mine Testing Your App for Performance Issues Synthetic Testing Real User Monitoring (RUM) Conclusion 2.Building an Android Device Lab What Devices Are Your Customers Using? Device Spec Breakdown Screen SDK Version CPU/Memory and Storage What Networks Are Your Customers Using? Your Devices Are Not Your Customers' DevicesTesting Building Your Device Lab You Want $X,000 for Devices? So What Devices Should I Pick? Beyond Phones Android Open Source Project Devices Other Options Additional Considerations My Device Lab Conclusion 3.Hardware Performance and Battery Life Android Hardware Features Less Is More What Causes Battery Drain Android Power Profile Screen Radios CPU Additional Sensors Get to Sleep! Wakelocks and Alarms Doze Framework Basic Battery Drain Analysis App-Specific Battery Drain Coupling Battery Data with Data Usage App Standby Advanced Battery Monitoring batterystats Battery Historian Battery Historian 2.0 JobScheduler Conclusion 4.Screen and Ul Performance UI Performance Benchmarks Jank UI and Rendering Performance Updates in Android Building Views Hierarchy Viewer Asset Reduction Overdrawing the Screen Testing Overdraw Overdraw in Hierarchy Viewer …… 5.MemoryPerformance 6.CPU and (PU Performance 7.NetworkPerformance 8.Real User Monitoring A.OrganizationaI Performance Index