過去40年中國經濟的崛起,無疑是人類歷史上令人矚目的事件之一,也是中華民族奮進史上得記錄的一段光輝歲月。 在西方人眼里,中國的巨變始終是一個謎。這里有著極其特殊的文化背景與意識形態(tài),有著異常復雜的經濟格局與利益沖突,如何引領一個擁有十幾億人口的農業(yè)大國邁向現代化,堪稱巨大命題,其探索之艱辛,震蕩之激烈超乎任何人的想象。 《中國巨變:1978—2018》是對過去風云激蕩的40年的一次高度濃縮。作者以高度概括而又妙趣橫生的筆調為我們描述了一個變化的中國,它既是對歷史的一次總結,同時也是對未來的一次追問。 The ascent of China’s economy over the past forty years may be one of the more remarkable happenings in human history. Few understand it. Those outside China consider the massive changes a mystery. Those inside China have been challenged with taking more than 1.3 billion people from an agrarian existence into the modern world, and in the face of complex economics involving extreme conflicts of interest. Nobody ever did it before; nobody will ever do it again. Given the convulsive upheavals required, the difficulty of the task has been, and remains, hard to imagine. This book describes those upheavals and that process over the years from 1978 to 2018. lt represents a remarkable achievement in condensing a welter of events and changes down to the bare essentials. In summing up a period of history, it also serves as a query about what is to come next.