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Pharmaceutical Polymers(藥用高分子)

Pharmaceutical Polymers(藥用高分子)

定 價:¥88.00

作 者: 王者輝 著
出版社: 化學工業(yè)出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787122324832 出版時間: 2018-10-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數: 298 字數:  


  《Pharmaceutical Polymers(藥用高分子)》基于現(xiàn)代藥劑學的發(fā)展,依據國內外新資料,結合作者多年來的教學科研實踐編寫而成,系統(tǒng)講述了高分子在藥物制劑中的應用。全書共分為十章,具體內容包括:藥用高分子化學基礎理論(章);藥用高分子的原理與結構(第二章);天然來源與合成藥用高分子(第三章);天然來源高分子在藥學領域的應用(第四章);疏水性高分子聚合物的藥用價值(第五章);高分子聚合物在藥物傳遞中的應用(第六章);醫(yī)藥納米技術(第七章);藥用高分子的熱分析(第八章);原子力顯微鏡在藥用高分子中的應用(第九章);藥物高分子的流變學研究(第十章)。 《Pharmaceutical Polymers(藥用高分子)》可供普通高等醫(yī)藥院校藥學、藥物制劑、制藥工程、高分子材料與工程等相關專業(yè)學生及從事藥物制劑生產、研究的人員參考使用。


  王者輝,泰山醫(yī)學院,副教授, 自2004年以來,長期從事高分子材料專業(yè)的本、??频慕虒W,教授的課程主要有材料導論、專業(yè)英語、聚合物改性、涂料化學、光化學與光物理、波譜分析、聚合物加工流變學、高分子材料概論等。科研方向為醫(yī)用高分子材料、高分子界面。


Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Polymer Chemistry 1
1.1 The Concept of a Polymer 1
1.2 Addition Polymerization 4
1.3 Chain Branching; Graft and Block Copolymers 15
1.4 Polymer Structure and Properties 18
1.5 Technology of Polymerization 24
1.6 The Principal Monomers and Their Polymers 27
1.7 Physical Properties of Monomers 37
References 41
Chapter 2 Pharmaceutical Polymers: Principles and Structures 42
2.1 Introduction 42
2.2 Intra and Inter Polymer Molecular Interactions 45
2.3 Molecular Mass: Polydispersivity and Effects on Polymer Viscosity 47
2.4 Thermal Properties: Effect of Crystalline and Amorphous Phases 51
2.5 Mechanical Properties of Polymers 54
2.6 Pharmaceutical Polymers: Principles, Structures, and Applications of Pharmaceutical Delivery Systems 61
References 80
Chapter 3 Polymers as Drugs 81
3.1 Introduction 81
3.2 Polymers for Molecular Sequestration 83
3.3 Polyvalent Interactions and Anti-Infective Polymeric Drugs 95
3.4 Polymeric Drugs for the Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases 105
3.5 Polymeric Anti-Obesity Drugs 107
3.6 Polymer Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease 111
3.7 Conclusions and Outlook on Polymers as Drugs 112
References 113
Chapter 4 Pharmaceutical Applications of Natural Polymers 114
4.1 Introduction 114
4.2 Portals of Drug Administration in the Human Body 116
4.3 Transdermal Drug Delivery Devices 117
4.4 Topical Drug Delivery 124
4.5 Oral Drug Delivery System 131
4.6 Parenteral Drug Delivery Systems 132
4.7 Nasal Drug Delivery Systems 134
4.8 Hydrogel-Based Drug Delivery Systems 136
References 147
Chapter 5 Hydrophobic Polymers of Pharmaceutical Significance 149
5.1 Introduction 149
5.2 Examples of Hydrophobic Polymers and Their Drug Delivery Applications 150
5.3 Conclusions 167
References 168
Chapter 6 Polymers in Drug Delivery 169
6.1 Evolution of Drug Dosage Forms 169
6.2 Polymer Excipients 172
6.3 Polymers as Manufacture Aids and Sustained Release 174
References 200
Chapter 7 Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology: Overcoming Drug Delivery Challenges in Contemporary Medicine 202
7.1 Challenges in Delivery of Contemporary Therapeutics 202
7.2 Nanotechnology Solutions 207
7.3 Illustrative Examples of Nanotechnology Products 211
7.4 Multifunctional Nanotechnology 218
7.5 Regulatory Issues in Nano-pharmaceuticals 225
7.6 Conclusions and Future Outlook 235
References 235
Chapter 8 Thermal Analysis of Pharmaceutical Polymers 237
8.1 Introduction 237
8.2 Theoretical Background of Thermal Analysis 238
8.3 Physical and Chemical Phenomena Commonly Investigated Using Thermal Approaches 244
8.4 Applications of Thermal Analysis for the Characterisation of Pharmaceutical Raw Materials 248
8.5 Applications of Thermal Analysis for the Characterisation of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms 250
8.6 Conclusion 255
References 255
Chapter 9 Applications of AFM in Pharmaceutical Polymers 256
9.1 Introduction 256
9.2 Use of AFM in Pharmaceutical Sciences 263
9.3 AFM Combined With Optical or Spectroscopic Techniques 271
9.4 Summary 271
References 273
Chapter 10 Rheology in Pharmaceutically Used Polymers 274
10.1 Introduction 274
10.2 Theoretical Background and Fundamental Concepts 275
10.3 Practical Issues of Rheological Measurements 289
10.4 Application of the Technique 292
10.5 Summary 297
References 297


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