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Fishman肺部疾?。ǖ?版 英文版)

Fishman肺部疾?。ǖ?版 英文版)

定 價:¥1298.00

作 者: (美)Michael A.Grippi 等
出版社: 北京聯合出版公司
標 簽: 呼吸內科 內科學 醫(yī)學


ISBN: 9787550293649 出版時間: 2017-03-01 包裝: 平裝-膠訂
開本: 16開 頁數: 字數:  


暫缺《Fishman肺部疾?。ǖ?版 英文版)》簡介


  著者簡介Michael A.Grippi教授是美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫(yī)學院副教授,Good Shepherd Penn Partners Specialty Hospital的首席醫(yī)療官。Michael A.Grippi教授是世界知名的呼吸科專家,擔任本書第3版、第4版、第5版的主編。


簡 目Contributors Preface Volume 1Part 1:PerspectivesPart 2: ScientificBasis of lung Function in Health and DiseaseSection 1 Genetic,Cellular, and Structural Basis of Normal Lung FunctionSection 2 PhysiologicalPrinciples of NormalLung FunctionSection 3 TheLungsin Different Physiological StatesSection 4 LungImmunologySection 5 LungInjury and RepairPart 3: Symptomsand Signs of respiratory DiseaseSection 6 Clinical Approach to the PatientSection 7 DiagnosticProceduresPart 4: ObstructiveLung DiseasesSection 8 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseSection 9 AsthmaSection 10 Other Obstructive DisordersPart 5:interstitial and inflammatory lung DiseasesSection 11 Immunologic and Interstitial DiseasesPart 6:Drug-induced lung DiseasesPart 7: Otherinfiltrative and airspace DisordersPart 8: Disordersof the Pulmonary Circulation Volume 2Part 9: Disordersof the Pleural SpacePart 10: Diseasesof the mediastinumPart 11: Disordersof the Chest Wall, Diaphragm, and SpinePart 12: Occupationaland environmental DisordersSection 12 Occupational DisordersSection 13 Environmental DisordersPart 13: PulmonaryComplications of nonpulmonary DisordersPart 14: Sleep andSleep DisordersPart 15: Surgicalaspects of Pulmonary medicinePart 16: Neoplasmsof the LungsSection 14 Lung CancerSection 15 LymphoproliferativeDisordersPart 17:infectious Diseases of the lungsSection 16 General ConceptsSection 17 Common Syndromes in Pulmonary Infectious DiseasesSection 18 MajorPathogens in Pulmonary InfectionsPart 18: Acuterespiratory FailureSection 19 Lung FailureSection 20 Respiratory Pump FailureSection 21 Management and Therapeutic InterventionsAPPENDIXESAppendix A terms and Symbols in respiratory PhysiologyAppendix B normal Values for a Healthy 20-YearoldSeated manIndex v 目 錄 Contributors Preface Volume 1Part 1: Perspectives1 Milestones in the History of Pulmonary medicine Part 2: Scientific Basis of lung Functionin Health and DiseaseSection 1 Genetic, Cellular, andStructural Basis of Normal Lung Function2 FunctionalDesign of the Human lung for Gas exchange 3 Therespiratory muscles 4 Molecularregulation of lung Development5 PulmonarySurfactant and Disorders ofSurfactant Homeostasis 6 MucociliaryClearance 7 TheGenetic Basis of respiratory Disorders8 StemCells and respiratory Disease:Prospects for the Future 9 PersonalizedPulmonary medicineSection 2 Physiological Principles ofNormalLung Function10 Pulmonarymechanics 11 Controlof Ventilation 12 Circadianrhythms and Sleep Biology 13 PulmonaryCirculation 14 Ventilation,Pulmonary Blood Flow, and Ventilation–Perfusion relationships 15 Blood-Gastransport16 Diffusion,Chemical reactions, and Diffusing Capacity 17 Acid–BaseBalance Section 3 The Lungsin DifferentPhysiological States18 RespiratorySystem response to exercise in Health 19 Agingof the respiratory SystemSection 4 Lung Immunology20 Innateand adaptive immunity in the lung 21 Lymphocyte- and macrophage-mediatedinflammationin the lung 22 Mast Cells and eosinophils23 Leukocyteaccumulation in Pulmonary Disease 24 Antibody-mediatedlung Defenses and Humoral immunodeficiency Section 5 Lung Injury and Repair25 Tlymphocytesin the lung 26 Chemokines,adipokines, and GrowthFactors in the lung 27 RedoxSignaling and oxidative Stress in lung Diseases28 Fibroblastsin lung Homeostasis and Disease Part 3: Symptoms and Signs of respiratoryDiseaseSection 6 Clinical Approach to the Patient29 Approachto the Patient with respiratory Symptoms Section 7 Diagnostic Procedures30 Modernapproach to thoracic imaging Diagnosis 31 Thoracicultrasonography 32 Physiologicand metabolic Study of Pulmonary Disorders using Conventional imagingtechniques and Positron emission tomography 33 Pulmonary Function testing 34 Principlesand applications of Cardiopulmonaryexercise testing35 Diagnostic Bronchoscopy, transthoracicneedle Biopsy, and related Procedures 36 Interventional Bronchoscopy 37 Diagnosticthoracic Surgical Procedures:thoracoscopy, VatS, and thoracotomy 38 Evaluationof respiratory impairment and Disability Part 4: Obstructive Lung DiseasesSection 8 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease39 Pathologyof Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Diagnostic Features and DifferentialDiagnosis40 Chronicobstructive Pulmonary Disease: epidemiology,Pathophysiology, Pathogenesis, andα1-antitrypsinDeficiency 41 CigaretteSmoking and Smoking Cessation 42 Courseand treatment of Chronic obstructivePulmonary Disease43 Rehabilitationin Chronic obstructivePulmonary Disease and other respiratory Disorders Section 9 Asthma44 TheBiology of asthma 45 Asthma:epidemiology 46 Asthma:Clinical Presentation and management47 Aspirin-and exercise-induced asthma48 AllergicBronchopulmonaryaspergillosis (mycosis)and Severe asthma with Fungal Sensitivity Section 10 Other Obstructive Disorders49 Upperairway obstruction in adults 50 CysticFibrosis 51 Bronchiolitis 52 BullousDisease of the lung 53 Bronchiectasis Part 5: interstitial and inflammatory lungDiseasesSection 11 Immunologic and Interstitial Diseases54 Interstitiallung Disease: a Clinicaloverview and General approach 55 SystemicSarcoidosis56 IdiopathicPulmonary Fibrosis 57 Idiopathicinterstitial Pneumoniasother than idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 58 HypersensitivityPneumonitis 59 RadiationPneumonitis 60 Pulmonarymanifestations of the CollagenVascular Diseases61 Pulmonarylangerhans’ Cell Histiocytosis 62 Pulmonarylymphangioleiomyomatosis63 Benignmetastasizing leiomyoma64 DepositionalDiseases of the lungsPart 6: Drug-induced lung Diseases65 Pulmonarytoxicity related toChemotherapeutic agents 66 Drug-inducedPulmonary Disease Due to nonchemotherapeutic agents Part 7: Other infiltrative and airspaceDisorders67 Thelungs in Patients with inborn errors of metabolism68 Alveolar Hemorrhage Syndromes 69 Aspiration-relatedPulmonary Disorders70 Pulmonaryalveolar Proteinosis Syndrome 71 Theeosinophilic Pneumonias Part 8: Disorders of the PulmonaryCirculation72 Pulmonary arterial Hypertension 73 Pulmonary thromboembolic Disease74 PulmonaryVasculitis75 Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations Volume 2Part 9: Disorders of the Pleural Space76 NonmalignantPleural effusions77 MalignantPleural effusions78 Pneumothorax Part 10: Diseases of the mediastinum79 Malignantmesothelioma and otherPrimary Pleural tumors 80 nonneoplasticDisorders of the mediastinum 81 CongenitalCysts of the mediastinum:Bronchopulmonary Foregut anomalies82 Benignand malignant neoplasms of the mediastinumPart 11: Disorders of the Chest Wall,Diaphragm, and Spine83 nonmuscularDiseases of the Chest Wall84 Effectsof neuromuscular Diseaseson Ventilation85 Managementof neuromuscular respiratorymuscle DysfunctionPart 12: Occupational andenvironmental DisordersSection 12 Occupational Disorders86 Asbestos-relatedlung Disease 87 ChronicBeryllium Disease andHard-metal lung Diseases88 CoalWorkers’ lung Diseases and Silicosis89 Occupationalasthma, Byssinosis, andindustrial Bronchitis 90 Acuteand Chronic responses to toxic inhalations Section 13 Environmental Disorders91 Indoorand outdoor air Pollution92 High-altitudePhysiology and Clinical Disorders93 Divinginjuries and air embolism 94 Thermallung injury and acute Smoke inhalationPart 13: Pulmonary Complications ofnonpulmonary Disorders95 NoninfectiousPulmonary Complications of Hematopoietic Stem Cell and Solidorgantransplantation 96 PulmonaryComplications of Sickle Cell Disease97 PulmonaryDisorders and Pregnancy 98 PulmonaryComplications of intra-abdominal Disease Part 14: Sleep and Sleep Disorders99 Sleepapnea Syndromes: Central and obstructive100 Sleep-relatedHypoventilation Syndromes 101 Changes in the Cardiorespiratory SystemDuring Sleep102 DifferentialDiagnosis and evaluation of SleepinessPart 15: Surgical aspects of Pulmonarymedicine103 Perioperativerespiratory Considerations inthe Surgical Patient 104 Acuterespiratory Failure inthe Surgical Patient 105 PerioperativeCare of the Patientundergoing lung resection 106 thoracic trauma 107 Lung transplantationPart 16: Neoplasms of the LungsSection 14 Lung Cancer108 Geneticand molecular Changes in lung Cancer: Prospects for a PersonalizedPharmacological approach to treatment109 Epidemiologyof lung Cancer110 Approachto the Patient withPulmonary nodule111 ThePathology of Bronchogenic Carcinoma112 Clinicalevaluation, Diagnosis, andLydia Chang / M. Patricia Rivera113 Treatmentof non–Small-Cell lung Cancer: Surgery114 Treatmentof non–Small-Celllung Cancer: Chemotherapy115 Treatmentof non–Small-Cell116 SmallCell lung Cancer: Diagnosis, treatment,and natural History117 Primarylung tumors other than BronchogenicCarcinoma: Benign and malignant118 Extrapulmonary Syndromesassociated with lung tumors 119Pulmonary metastases: the roleofSurgicalreSectionSection 15 Lymphoproliferative Disorders120 Lymphoproliferativeand HematologicDiseases involving the lung and PleuraPart 17:Infectious Diseases of the lungsSection 16 General Concepts121 PulmonaryClearance of infectious agents122 Approachto the Patient with Pulmonary infection123 Pulmonaryinfection in immunocompromised Hosts124 MicrobialVirulence Factors in Pulmonary infections125 Principlesof antibiotic use and the Selection ofempiric therapy for Pneumonia Section 17 Common Syndromes in Pulmonary Infectious Diseases126 Infectionsof the upper respiratory tract127 Aspiration,empyema, lung abscesses,and anaerobic infections 128 AcuteBronchitis and Community-acquiredPneumonia 129 Healthcare-acquired Pneumonia,including Ventilator-associatedPneumonia Section 18 Major Pathogens in PulmonaryInfections130 Viralinfections of the lung and respiratory tract 131 Tuberculosis132 Diseasesdue to nontuberculous mycobacteria133 Aspergillus,Candida, and other opportunisticmold infections of the lung 134 Cryptococcosisand the endemic mycoses135 Pneumocystis Pneumonia136 Protozoan infections of the thorax137 Helminthic Diseases of the Lungs138 Zoonotic and Other UnusualPart 18: Acute respiratory Failure139 RespiratoryFailure: an overviewSection 19 Lung Failure140 Acuterespiratory Distress Syndrome: Pathogenesis141 Acutelung injury and the acute respiratory Distress Syndrome:Clinical Features,management, and outcomes142 Sepsis,multiple organ DysfunctionSyndrome, and Chronic Critical illnessSection 20 Respiratory Pump Failure143 PumpFailure: the Pathogenesis of Hypercapnic respiratory Failure in Patientswith lung and Chest Wall DiseaseSection 21 Management and Therapeutic Interventions144 Oxygentherapy and toxicity 147 Hemodynamicand respiratory monitoringin acute respiratory Failure148 Principlesof mechanical Ventilation 149 Nutrition in Pulmonary Disease150 Diagnosisand treatment of Pain, agitation,and Delirium in the intensive Care unit151 Earlymobilization of Patients in the ICU152 Organizationof intensive Care units andlong-term acute Care Hospitals153 Ethicsand Palliative Care in Critical Care units APPENDIXESAppendix A Terms and Symbols in respiratory PhysiologyAppendix B Normal Values for a Healthy 20-Year oldSeated manIndex


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