Li Junchang,male,born in Kunming,Yunnan province, China on September 1 8th,1945,a professor frOm the College of Science,Kunming University of Science and Technology.He graduated from the Department of Physics.Yunnan University in 1967.1n the research field of Laser application.he has carried out scientific coopemtion with Institut National des Sciences Appliqu~e de Lyon,Ecole Centrale de Lyon,Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts et M6ties de Paris and Universit~du Maine and directed Ph.D students in China and France since 1984.Wu Yanmei,female,born in Loudi,Hunan province, an associate professor.She graduated from Kunming University of Science and Technology,and obtained her Ph.D degree.In recent years,she has published fody― five papers,and won five teaching awards at the national Ievel.
IntroductionChapter 1 Mathematical Prerequisites1.1 Frequently Used Special Functions1.1.1 The“Rectangle”Function1.1.2 The“Sinc”Function1.1.3 The“Step”function1.1.4 The“Sign”Function1.1.5 The“Triangle”Function1.1.6 The“Disk”Funct,ion1.1.7 The~Dirac 6 Function1.1.8 The“Comb”Function1.2 Two-dimensional Fourier Transform1.2.1 Definition and Existence Conditions1.2.2 Theorems Related to the Fourier Transform1.2.3 Fourier Transforms in Polar C:oordinates1.3 Linear Systems1.3.1 Definition1.3.2 Impulse Response and Superposition Integrals1.3.3 Definition of a Two-dimensional Linear Shift—invariant System1.3.4 nansfer Functions and Eigenfunction1.4 Two-dimensional Sampling Theorem1.4.1 Sampling a Continuous Function1.4.2 Reconstruction of the Original Function1.4.3 Space-bandwidth ProductReferencesChapter 2 Scalar Difrraction Theory2.1 The Representation of an Optical Wave by a Complex Function2.1.1 The Representation of a Monochromatic Wave2.1.2 The Expression of the Optical Field in Space2.1.3 Complex Amplitudes of Plane and Spherical Waves in a SpacePlane2.2 Scalar Diffraction Theory2.2.1 Wave Equation2.2.2 Harmonic Plane Wave Solutions to the Wave Equation2.2.3 Angular Spectrum2.2.4 Kirchhoff and Rayleigh.Sommerfeld Formula2.2.5 Paraxial Approximation of Diffraction Problem——nesnel Diffractio耵Integral2.2.6 Fraunhofer Difiraction2.3 Examples of Fraunhofer Diffraction2.3.1 Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattern from a Rectangular Aperture2.3.2 Fraunhofer Diffraction of a Circular Aperture2.3.3 The Diffraction Image of Triangle Aperture on the Focal Plane2.3.4 Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattern from a Sinusoidal-amplitudeGrating2.4 Fresnel Diffraction Integral Analytical and Semi—analyticalCalculation2.4.1 Fresnel Diffraction from a Sinusoidal.amplitude Grating2.4.2 Fresnel Diffraction from a Rectangular Aperture2.4.3 Fresnel Diffraction from a Complex Shape Aperture2.4.4 The Diffraction Field of Refraction Prism Array by Using theRectangular Aperture Diffraction Formula2.4.5 Fresnel Diffraction from a Triangle Aperture2.5 Collins’Formula2.5.1 Description of an Optical System by an ABCD Transfer Matrix2.5.2 ABCD Law and Equivalent Paraxia Lens System82.5.3 Proof of Collins’Formula2.6 Discussion of Optical Transform Properties of Single Lens SystemBased on Collins’Formula2.6.1 0bject in Front of the Lens2.6.2 Object Behind the LensReferencesChapter 3 Diffraction Numerical Calculation and ApplicationExamples3.1 Relation between the Discrete and Analytical Fourier Transforms……Appendix C CD Contets in the Diffraction Calculation and Digital Holography