Part 1 Basics of Business Writing Chapter 1 Manuscript Format I. Lay Out (Arrangement) II. Word Division III. Capitalization Chapter 2 Punctuation I. The Comma (,) II. The Semicolon (;) III. The Colon (:) IV. The Apostrophe (') V. The Quotation Marks ( ) VI. The Period (.) VII. The Question Mark (?) VIII. The Exclamation Point (!) IX. The Dash (——) X. The Parentheses (( )) XI. Square Brackets or Brackets ( [ ] ) XII. The Ellipsis Mark (...) xIII. The Slash (/) XIV. Hyphen (-) Chapter 3 Words I. SpecialUsage of Nouns II. Special Uses of Verbs III. Special Uses of Adjectives and Adverbs IV. Special Uses of Some Pronouns V. Special Usage of Numerals VI. Special Uses of Prepositions Chapter 4 Sentences I. Sentence Structure II. Sentence Purpose III. Phrases in Sentences IV. Joining of Sentences V. Effective Sentences VI. Work for Variety in Sentences Chapter 5 Business English Writing Style I. Eliminate Redundancies and Unnecessary-Repeated Words II. Cut Empty or Inflated Phrases IU. Reduce Clauses to Phrases, Phrases to Single Words IV. Prefer Short Sentences to Complex Sentences V. Avoid Using Outdated Commercialese in Business Letters Chapter 6 Language Skills and Writing Techniques I. Comparison and Contrast II. Cause and Effect III. Condition IV. Exemplification V. Time, Process and Space VI. Definition VII. Classification and Division VIII. Summarizing or Conclusion IX. Precise Descriptions X. Composition XI. Impersonal Reporting XII. Fact and Opinion XIII. Proposition and Evidence XIV. Inductive Approach XV. Deductive Approach Part 2 Practical Business Writing Chapter 7 Writing Effective Business Letters I. Cultivate the \