前言 六大學習范疇分布表 主題學習大綱(Spring) Unit 1: New Year Unit 2: It is sPnng Unit 3: Easter Unit 4: Numbers 主題學習大綱(Buildings) Unit 5: In my house Unit 6: Buildings 主題學習大綱(People who help us) Unit 7: My teacher Unit 8: Doctor and nurse Revision 主題學習大綱(Transport) Unit 9: On the road Unit 10: Across the sea 主題學習大綱(Animals) Unit 11: On the farm Unit 12: At the zoo Unit 13: My zoo 主題學習大綱(Summer) Unit 14: At the beach Unit 15: More numbers Revision 六大學習范疇評估表 曲譜 補充練習(1-15) 階段測驗(1-2) 附錄