本套教材是根據(jù)教育部2009年頒布的《中等職業(yè)學校英語教學大綱》編寫的。本書為學生用書下冊,由十二個單元組成,每個單元一個主題,如“I need my iPad repaired, fast.”、“Do you want to open a current or a deposit account?”、“Have you updated your micro-blog today?”、“Getting a job”等,內(nèi)容由簡及難、貼近學生生活。在每個單元的內(nèi)容安排上,注重實用性和趣味性相結(jié)合,安排了Warm up、Listening and Speaking、Pronunciation、Reading and Writing、Grammar Focus、Have Fun和Review七個部分。
1 School Life,Family Lifeand Social Life! 2 I need my iPad repaired, fast. 3 Do you want to open a current or a deposit account? 4 Cooking is Fun 5 Let’s celebrate. 6 You are going to love this community 7 Have you updated your micro-blog today? 8 What club would you like to join? 9 I will take part in a fashion show. 10 Make the world a better place 11 Career Planning 12 Getting a job