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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語英語聽力/口語大學英語口語診斷性測試的開發(fā)和效度研究



定 價:¥36.00

作 者: 趙中寶 著
出版社: 國防工業(yè)出版社
叢編項: 青年學者文庫
標 簽: 口語/生活實用英語 社交/生活口語 外語

ISBN: 9787118088700 出版時間: 2013-05-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 32開 頁數(shù): 322 字數(shù):  






1.3 Research Questions                       
1.4 Significance of the Present Study           
1.5 Structure of the Book                     
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Assessment for Learning              
2.1.1 Assessment for Learning and
Assessment of Learning       
2.1.2 Formative Assessment and Summative
2.1.3 Norm-referenced and Criterion-referenced
2.2 Diagnostic Testing                 
2.2.1 Definitions of a Diagnostic Test    
2.2.2 Characterstics of Diagnostic Tests   
2.2.3 Studies on Diagnostic Language
2.3 Studies on Speaking Tasks              
2.4 Validation Studies of Language Tests    
2.5 Summary 
Chapter 3 A Conceptual Framework for the Development
and Validation of the DCEST
3.1 Communicative Language Ability and the
Construct of Speaking           
3.1.1 Models of Communicative Language
3.1.2 Models of Speech Produetion        
3.1.3 Frameworks for Defining the
Construct of Speaking                   
3.2 Guidelines and Procedures of Test
3.3 Defining Test Specifications for a
Speaking Test    
3.4 Models of Speaking Performance              
3.4.1 Milanovic and Saville’S Model         
3.4.2 McNamara’S Model                   
3.4.3 Skehan’S Model                     
3.4.4 Fulcher’S Model                     
3.5 Summary              
Chapter 4 Research Design and Methodology             
4.1 Needs Analysis                             
4.1.1 Design of the Questionnaires           
4.1.2 Participants of the Questionnaire
4.1.3 Results of the Survey                 
4.1.4 Implications for the DCEST           
4.2 The Development of the Prototype DCEST     
4.2.1 Defining the Construct               
4.2.2 Selection of Speaking Test Tasks   
4.2.3 Rating Criteria                 
4.2.4 Feedback Descriptors          
4.3 The Pilot Study                    
4.3.1 Participants                  
4.3.2 Implementation of the Pilot Study 
4.3.3 Results of the Pilot Study    
4.3.4 Implications for the Main Study 
4.4 The Main Study                    
4.4.1 Participants                  
4.4.2 Research Instruments          
4.4.3 Procedure of Data Collection in the
Main Study           
Chapter 5 Results and Discussions
5.1 Test Reliability                    
5.1.1 Intra-rater Reliability          
5.1.2 Inter-rater Reliability          
5.1.3 Parallel Form Reliability         
5.2 Test Validity                      
5.2.1 Construct Validity            
5.2.2 Content Validity              
5.2.3 Criterion-related Validity      
5.2.4 Face Validity                
5.2.5 Consequential Validity        
5.3 A Procedural Framework for the
Development of Diagnostic Tests    
5.3.1 Phase 1:Needs Analysis      
5.3.2 Phase 2:Test Design and
Chapter 5 Conclusions


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