1.The Blind Man and His Lamp盲人點(diǎn)燈 2.An Apple Tree一棵蘋果樹 3.Dogs That Work工作的狗 4.Androcles安德羅克勒司 5.Cat and Bel l貓和鈴鐺 6.It’S Not Easy Being a Kid!做一個孩子并不容易! 7.The Donkey and His Shadow驢和它的影子 8.Hercules and Pallas大力神和帕拉絲 9.Hercules and the Waggoner l大力神和車夫 10.My Own Home我自己的家 11 The Ant and the Dove螞蟻和鴿子- 12.The Donkey and His Master驢和它的主人 13.Catching the Fish抓魚 14.The Donkey and the Mule驢和騾子 15.The Bald Man and the Fly光頭佬和蒼蠅 16.The Bat and the Weasels蝙蝠和黃鼠狼 17.The Bear and the Fox熊與狐貍 18.Pulling up Seeding to Help Them Grow揠苗助長 19.The Drowning Boy溺水的小男孩 20.Mr.Vinegar and His Fortune醋溜先生花錢 21.The Boys and the Frogs男孩和青蛙 22.The Bull and the Calf公牛和小牛犢 23.The Bull and the Goat公牛與野山羊 24.The Bull,the Lioness,and the Hunter公牛、獅子和獵人 25。The Camel駱駝 26.The Cock and the Jewel公雞和寶石 27.The Crab and the Fox螃蟹和狐貍 28.The Crow and the Sheep烏鴉和羊 29.The D09,the Cock,and the Fox狗、公雞和狐貍 30.The Eaqle and the Fox老鷹和狐貍 ……