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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術計算機/網(wǎng)絡軟件與程序設計其他編程語言/工具Python語言程序設計(英文版)



定 價:¥79.00

作 者: (美) Y.Daniel Liang 著
出版社: 機械工業(yè)出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787111412342 出版時間: 2013-02-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 555 字數(shù):  


  《經典原版書庫:python語言程序設計(英文版)》保持了liang博士系列叢書中一貫的、標志性的教與學的哲學:以實例教,由實踐學。書中采用了他所提出的已經經過實踐檢驗的“基礎先行”的方法,即在定義類之前,首先使用清晰簡明的語言介紹基本程序設計概念,如選擇語句、循環(huán)和函數(shù);在介紹面向對象程序設計和gui編程之前,首先介紹基本邏輯和程序設計概念。書中除了給出一些以游戲和數(shù)學為主的典型實例外,還在每章的開始使用簡單的圖形給出一兩個例子,以激發(fā)學生的學習興趣。本書特色:以“基礎先行”方法介紹基本程序設計概念和方法,幫助學生循序漸進地學習所有必需和重要的基本概念?!∫浴皢栴}驅動”方法講授程序設計技術,強調問題求解,而非語法。通過廣泛的趣味性實例(涉及數(shù)學、自然科學、商業(yè)、金融、游戲、動畫和多媒體領域)來激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,為求解這些問題,適時地引入相關的語法和庫。 可以靈活介紹gui相關主題。第1~6章使用內置的turtle圖形模塊,其余部分使用tkinter,這兩種工具都是簡單、易學的程序設計教學工具。每章的開始都有gui實例,每章末尾還有專門的gui練習。


  梁勇(Y.Daniel Liang),普度大學終身教授,阿姆斯特朗亞特蘭大州立大學計算機科學系教授他所編寫的Java教程在美國大學Java課程中采用率極高,同時他還兼任Prentice Hall Java系列叢書的編輯。梁勇(Y.Daniel Liang),普度大學終身教授,阿姆斯特朗亞特蘭大州立大學計算機科學系教授他所編寫的Java教程在美國大學Java課程中采用率極高,同時他還兼任Prentice Hall Java系列叢書的編輯。


chapter 1 introduction to computers, programs,and python
1.1 introduction
1.2 what is a computer?
1.3 programming languages
1.4 operating systems
1.5 the history of python
1.6 getting started with python
1.7 programming style and documentation
1.8 programming errors
1.9 getting started with graphics programming
chapter 2 elementary programming
2.1 introduction
2.2 writing a simple program
2.3 reading input from the console
2.4 identifiers
2.5 variables,assignment statements, and expressions
2.6 simultaneous assignments
2.7 named constants
2.8 numeric data types and operators
2.9 evaluating expressions and operator precedence
2.10 augmented assignment operators
2.11 type conversions and rounding
2.12 case study: displaying the current time
2.13 software development process
2.14 case study: computing distances
chapter 3 mathematical functions, strings,and objects
3.1 introduction
3.2 common python functions
3.3 strings and characters
3.4 case study: minimum number of coins
3.5 introduction to objects and methods
3.6 formatting numbers and strings
3.7 drawing various shapes
3.8 drawing with colors and fonts
chapter 4 selections
4.1 introduction
4.2 boolean types, values, and expressions
4.3 generating random numbers
4.4 i f statements
4.5 case study: guessing birthdays
4.6 two-way if-else statements
4.7 nested if and multi-way if-elif-else statements
4.8 common errors in selection statements
4.9 case study: computing body mass index
4.10 case study: computing taxes
4.11 logical operators
4.12 case study: determining leap years
4.13 case study: lottery
4.14 conditional expressions
4.15 operator precedence and associativity
4.16 detecting the location of an object
chapter 5 loops
5.1 introduction
5.2 the while loop
5.3 the for loop
5.4 nested loops
5.5 minimizing numerical errors
5.6 case studies
5.7 keywords break and continue
5.8 case study: displaying prime numbers
5.9 case study: random walk
chapter 6 functions
6.1 introduction
6.2 defining a function
6.3 calling a function
6.4 functions with/without return values
6.5 positional and keyword arguments
6.6 passing arguments by reference values
6.7 modularizing code
6.8 case study: converting decimals to hexadecimals
6.9 the scope of variables
6.10 default arguments
6.11 returning multiple values
6.12 case study: generating random ascii characters
6.13 function abstraction and stepwise refinement
6.14 case study: reusable graphics functions
chapter 7 objects and classes
7.1 introduction
7.2 defining classes for objects
7.3 uml class diagrams
7.4 immutable objects vs. mutable objects
7.5 hiding data fields
7.6 class abstraction and encapsulation
7.7 object-oriented thinking
chapter 8 more on strings and special methods
8.1 introduction
8.2 the str class
8.3 case study: checking palindromes
8.4 case study: converting hexadecimals to decimals
8.5 operator overloading and special methods
8.6 case study: the rational class
chapter 9 gui programming using tkinter
9.1 introduction
9.2 getting started with tkinter
9.3 processing events
9.4 the widget classes
9.5 canvas
9.6 the geometry managers
9.7 case study: loan calculator
9.8 displaying images
9.9 menus
9.10 popup menus
9.11 mouse, key events, and bindings
9.12 animations
9.13 scrollbars
9.14 standard dialog boxes
chapter 10 lists
10.1 introduction
10.2 list basics
10.3 case study: lotto numbers
10.4 case study: deck of cards
10.5 deck of cards gui
10.6 copying lists
10.7 passing lists to functions
10.8 returning a list from a function
10.9 case study: counting the occurrences of each letter
10.10 searching lists
10.11 sorting lists
10.12 case study: bouncing balls
cbapter 11 multidimensional lists
11.1 introduction
11.2 processing two-dimensional lists
11.3 passing two-dimensional lists to functions
11.4 problem: grading a multiple-choice test
11.5 problem: finding the closest pair
11.6 gui: finding the closest pair
11.7 problem: sudoku
11.8 case study: sudoku gui
11.9 multidimensional lists
chapter 12 inheritance and polymorphism
12.1 introduction
12.2 superclasses and subclasses
12.3 overriding methods
12.4 the object class
12.5 polymorphism and dynamic binding
12.6 the isinstance function
12.7 case study: a reusable clock
12.8 class relationships
12.9 case study: designing the course class
12.10 designing a class for stacks
12.11 case study: the figurecanvas class
chapter 13 files and exception handling
13.1 introduction
13.2 text input and output
13.3 file dialogs
13.4 case study: counting each letter in a file
13.5 retrieving data from the web
13.6 exception handling
13.7 raising exceptions
13.8 processing exceptions using exception objects
13.9 defining custom exception classes
13.10 binary io using pickling
13.11 case study: address book
chapter 14 tuples,sets, and dictionaries
14.1 introduction
14.2 tuples
14.3 sets
14.4 comparing the performance of sets and lists
14.5 case study: counting keywords
14.6 dictionaries
14.7 case study: occurrences of words
chapter 15 recursion
15.1 introduction
15.2 case study: computing factorials
15.3 case study: computing fibonacci numbers
15.4 problem solving using recursion
15.5 recursive helper functions
15.6 case study: finding the directory size
15.1 case study: towers of hanoi
15.8 case study: fractals
15.9 case study: eight queens
15.10 recursion vs. iteration
15.11 tail recursion
a detailed table of contents for the web chapters is available on the
companion website:
chapter 16 developing efficient algorithms
chapter 17 sorting
chapter 18 linked lists, stacks, queues, and priority queues
chapter 19 binary search trees
chapter 20 avl trees
chapter 21 hashing: implementing dictionaries and sets
chapter 22 graphs and applications
chapter 23 weighted graphs and applications
appendix a python keywords
appendix b the ascii character set
appendix c number systems


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