Preface xiv Media Resources for Itructo xix To the Student xxiiHighlights of the Twelfth Edition xxiv1 Chemistry 1.1 Science and Technology: The Roots of Knowledge 2 1.2 The Baconian Dream and the Caonian Nightmare 3 1.3 Science: Reproducible, Testable, Tentative,Predictive, and Explanatory 4 1.4 The Limitatio of Science 7 1.5 Science and Technology: Risks and Benefits 8 1.6 Chemistry: Its Central Role 10 1.7 Solving Society’s Problems: Scientific Research11 1.8 Chemistry: A Study of Matter and Its Changes 13 1.9 Classification of Matter 16 1.10 The Measurement of Matter 19 1.11 Deity 25 1.12 Energy: Heat and Temperature 28 1.13 Critical Thinking 32 Summary 34 . Review Questio 35 . Problems 35 . Additional Problems 38 . Collaborative Group Projects392 Atoms 41 2.1 Atoms: The Greek Idea 42 2.2 Lavoisier: The Law of Coervation of Mass 43 2.3 Proust: The Law of Definite Proportio 44 2.4 John Dalton: The Atomic Theory of Matter 46 2.5 Out of Chaos: The Periodic Table 51 2.6 Atoms and Molecules: Real and Relevant 53 Summary 56 . Review Questio 56 . Problems 57 . AdditionalProblems 58 . Collaborative Group Projects 593 Atomic Structure 61 3.1 Electricity and the Atom 62 3.2 Serendipity in Science: X-Rays and Radioactivity65 3.3 Three Types of Radioactivity 66 3.4 Rutherford’s Experiment: The Nuclear Model of theAtom 67 3.5 The Atomic Nucleus 69 3.6 Electron Arrangement: The Bohr Model 72 3.7 Electron Arrangement: The Quantum Model 77 3.8 Electron Configuratio and the Periodic Table 80 3.9 Which Model to Choose? 84 Summary 84 . Review Questio 85 . Problems 86 . AdditionalProblems 86 . Collaborative Group Projects 874 Chemical Bonds 89 4.1 The Art of Deduction: Stable Electron Configuratio90 4.2 Lewis (Electron-Dot) Symbols 91 4.3 The Reaction of Sodium and Chlorine 92 4.4 Using Lewis Symbols: More Ionic Compounds 94 4.5 Formulas and Names of Binary Ionic Compounds 97 4.6 Covalent Bonds: Shared Electron Pai 100 4.7 Unequal Sharing: Polar Covalent Bonds 102 4.8 Polyatomic Molecules: Water, Ammonia, and Methane104 4.9 Polyatomic Io 105 4.10 Rules for Writing Lewis Formulas 107 4.11 Odd-Electron Molecules: Free Radicals 110 4.12 Molecular Shapes: The VSEPR Theory 112 4.13 Shapes and Properties: Polar and Nonpolar Molecules116 4.14 A Chemical Vocabulary 117 Summary 118 . Review Questio 119 . Problems 119 .Additional Problems 121 . Collaborative Group Projects 1215 Chemical Accounting 123 5.1 Chemical Sentences: Equatio 123 5.2 Volume Relatiohips in Chemical Equatio 127 5.3 Avogadro’s Number and the Mole 128 5.4 Molar Mass: Mole-to-Mass and Mass-to-Mole Conveio131 5.5 Solutio 138 Summary 143 . Review Questio 144 . Problems 144 .Additional Problems 146 . Collaborative Group Projects 1476 Gases, Liquids, Solids, and Intermolecular Forces 149 6.1 Solids, Liquids, and Gases 150 6.2 Comparing Ionic and Molecular Compounds 152 6.3 Forces between Molecules 154 6.4 Forces in Solutio 156 6.5 Gases: The Kinetic–Molecular Theory 158 6.6 The Simple Gas Laws 159 6.7 The Ideal Gas Law 165 Summary 167 . Review Questio 167 . Problems 168 .Additional Problems 169 . Collaborative Group Projects 1697 Acids and Bases 7.1 Acids and Bases: Experimental Definitio 172 7.2 Acids, Bases, and Salts 173 7.3 Acidic and Basic Anhydrides 179 7.4 Strong and Weak Acids and Bases 181 7.5 Neutralization 182 7.6 The pH Scale 183 7.7 Buffe and Conjugate Acid–Base Pai 186 7.8 Acid Rain 187 7.9 Antacids: A Basic Remedy 188 7.10 Acids and Bases in Industry and in Us 189 Summary 191 . Review Questio 191 . Problems 191 .Additional Problems 193 . Collaborative Group Projects 1938 Oxidation and Reduction 195 8.1 Oxidation and Reduction: Three Views 196 8.2 Oxidizing and Reducing Agents 200 8.3 Electrochemistry: Cells and Batteries 201 8.4 Corrosion 206 8.5 Explosive Reactio 207 8.6 Oxygen: An Abundant and Essential Oxidizing Agent208 8.7 Other Common Oxidizing Agents 210 8.8 Some Reducing Agents of Interest 212 8.9 A Closer Look at Hydrogen 214 8.10 Oxidation, Reduction, and Living Things 216 Summary 218 . Review Questio 218 . Problems 219 .Additional Problems 220 . Collaborative Group Projects 2219 Organic Chemistry 223 9.1 The Unique Carbon Atom 224 9.2 Alkanes 224 9.3 Cyclic Hydrocarbo: Rings and Things 229 9.4 Uaturated Hydrocarbo: Alkenes and Alkynes 231 9.5 Aromatic Hydrocarbo: Benzene and Relatives 233 9.6 Chlorinated Hydrocarbo: Many Uses, Some Hazards234 9.7 The Functional Group 236 9.8 The Alcohol Family 238 9.9 Phenols 241 9.10 Ethe 241 9.11 Aldehydes and Ketones 243 9.12 Carboxylic Acids 246 9.13 Este: The Sweet Smell of RCOOR’ 248 9.14 Amines and Amides 251 9.15 Heterocyclic Compounds: Alkaloids and Othe 254 Summary 255 . Review Questio 256 . Problems 256 .Additional Problems 258 . Collaborative Group Projects 25910 Polyme 261 10.1 Polymerization: Making Big Ones Out of Little Ones261 10.2 Natural Polyme 262 10.3 Celluloid: Billiard Balls and Colla 262 10.4 Polyethylene: From the Battle of Britain to BreadBags 263 10.5 Addition Polymerization: One . One . One . á GIVESONE 266 10.6 Rubber and Other Elastome 271 10.7 Condeation Polyme: Splitting Out Water 273 10.8 Properties of Polyme 278 10.9 Disposal of Plastics 280 10.10 Plastics and Fire Hazards 281 10.11 Plasticize and Pollution 281 10.12 Plastics and the Future 282 Summary 285 . Review Questio 286 . Problems 286 .Additional Problems 287 . Collaborative Group Projects 28911 Nuclear Chemistry 291 11.1 Natural Radioactivity 292 11.2 Nuclear Equatio 294 11.3 Half-Life 298 11.4 Radioisotopic Dating 300 11.5 Artificial Tramutation 302 11.6 Uses of Radioisotopes 304 11.7 Penetrating Power of Radiation 308 11.8 Energy from the Nucleus 309 11.9 The Building of the Bomb 313 11.10 Radioactive Fallout 315 11.11 Nuclear Power Plants 316 11.12 Thermonuclear Reactio 318 11.13 The Nuclear Age 319 Summary 320 . Review Questio 321 . Problems 321 .Additional Problems 322 . Collaborative Group Projects 32312 Chemistry of Earth 12.1 Spaceship Earth: The Materials Manifest 325 12.2 The Lithosphere: Organic and Inorganic 327 12.3 Meeting Our Needs: From Sticks to Bricks 327 12.4 Silicates and the Shapes of Things 328 12.5 Modified Silicates: Ceramics, Glass, and Cement330 12.6 Metals and Ores 332 12.7 Earth’s Dwindling Resources 337 Summary 340 . Review Questio 341 . Problems 341 .Additional Problems 342 . Collaborative Group Projects 34313 Air 345 13.1 Earth’s Atmosphere: Divisio and Composition 345 13.2 Chemistry of the Atmosphere 347 13.3 Pollution through the Ages 350 13.4 Coal + Fire : Industrial Smog 352 13.5 Automobile Emissio 355 13.6 Photochemical Smog: Making Haze while the Sun Shines358 13.7 Acid Rain: Air Pollution : Water Pollution 361 13.8 The Iide Story: Indoor Air Pollution 362 13.9 Ozone: The Double-Edged Sword 366 13.10 Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change 369 13.11 Who Pollutes? Who Pays? 373 Summary 376 . Review Questio 377 . Problems 377 .Additional Problems 378 . Collaborative Group Projects 37914 Water 14.1 Water: Some Unique Properties 382 14.2 Water in Nature 384 14.3 Chemical and Biological Contamination 387 14.4 Industrial Water Use 389 14.5 Groundwater Contamination : Tainted Tap Water392 14.6 Making Water Fit to Drink 394 14.7 Wastewater Treatment 399 14.8 The Newest Soft Drink: Bottled Water 401 14.9 Water Pollution and the Future 401 Summary 403 . Review Questio 403 . Problems 404 .Additional Problems 405 . Collaborative Group Projects 40515 Energy 407 15.1 Sunlight Floods Earth with Energy 408 15.2 Energy and Chemical Reactio 411 15.3 The Laws of Thermodynamics 414 15.4 People Power: Early Uses of Energy 417 15.5 Reserves and Coumption Rates of Fossil Fuels 418 15.6 Coal: The Carbon Rock of Ages 419 15.7 Natural Gas: Mostly Methane 422 15.8 Petroleum: Liquid Hydrocarbo 422 15.9 Convenient Energy: Electricity 428 15.10 Nuclear Fission 430 15.11 Nuclear Fusion: The Sun in a Magnetic Bottle435 15.12 Harnessing the Sun: Solar Energy 436 15.13 Biomass: Photosynthesis for Fuel 438 15.14 Hydrogen: Light and Powerful 441 15.15 Other Renewable Energy Sources 443 15.16 Energy: How Much Is Too Much? 445 Summary 447 . Review Questio 448 . Problems 448 .Additional Problems 450 . Collaborative Group Projects 45116 Biochemistry 453 16.1 The Living Cell 453 16.2 Carbohydrates: A Storehouse of Energy 455 16.3 Fats and Other Lipids 459 16.4 Protei: Polyme of Amino Acids 462 16.5 The Peptide Bond: Peptides and Protei 465 16.6 Structure of Protei 467 16.7 Enzymes: Exquisite Precision Machines 471 16.8 Nucleic Acids: Parts and Structure 474 16.9 DNA: Self-Replication 477 16.10 RNA: Protein Synthesis and the Genetic Code 479 16.11 The Human Genome 481 Summary 485 . Review Questio 486 . Problems 486 .Additional Problems 488 . Collaborative Group Projects 48917 Food 491 17.1 Carbohydrates in the Diet 492 17.2 Fats and Cholesterol 494 17.3 Protei: Muscle and Much More 499 17.4 Minerals: Inorganic Chemicals and Life 501 17.5 The Vitami: Vital, but Not All Are Amines 503 17.6 Other Essentials: Fiber and Water 505 17.7 Starvation and Fasting 506 17.8 Additives to Enhance Nutrition and Taste 508 17.9 Additives to Retard Spoilage 513 17.10 Color Additives 515 17.11 Poiso in Our Food 517 17.12 A World without Food Additives 521 Summary 522 . Review Questio 523 . Problems 523 .Additional Problems 524 . Collaborative Group Projects 52518 Drugs 18.1 Scientific Drug Design 528 18.2 Pain Relieve: Noteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs(NSAIDs) 529 18.3 Chemistry, Allergies, and the Common Cold 532 18.4 Antibacterial Drugs 534 18.5 Viruses and Antiviral Drugs 538 18.6 Chemicals agait Cancer 541 18.7 Hormones: The Regulato 544 18.8 Chemistry and Social Revolution: The Pill 549 18.9 Drugs for the Heart 552 18.10 Drugs and the Mind 554 18.11 Some Chemistry of the Nervous System 554 18.12 Brain Amines: Depression and Mania 556 18.13 Anesthetics 559 18.14 Depressant Drugs 562 18.15 Narcotics 565 18.16 Antianxiety Agents 569 18.17 Stimulant Drugs 571 18.18 Hallucinogenic Drugs 573 18.19 Drug Problems 576 Summary 577 . Review Questio 579 . Problems 579 .Additional Problems 579 . Collaborative Group Projects 58119 Fitness and Health 19.1 Calories: Quantity and Quality 583 19.2 Vitami and Minerals 586 19.3 Body Fluids and Electrolytes 589 19.4 Weight-Loss Diets 591 19.5 Exercise for Weight Loss 593 19.6 Measuring Fitness 596 19.7 Some Chemistry of Muscles 598 19.8 Drugs and the Athlete 601 19.9 Exercise and the Brain 603 19.10 No Smoking 604 Summary 607 . Review Questio 607 . Problems 608 .Additional Problems 609 . Collaborative Group Projects 60920 Chemistry Down on the Farm . . . 20.1 Farming with Chemicals: Fertilize 612 20.2 The War agait Pests 618 20.3 Biological Iect Controls 624 20.4 Herbicides and Defoliants 628 20.5 Sustainable Agriculture 630 20.6 Some Malthusian Mathematics 632 20.7 Can We Feed a Hungry World? 634 Summary 635 . Review Questio 635 . Problems 635 .Additional Problems 636 . Collaborative Group Projects 63721 Household Chemicals 639 21.1 A History of Cleaning 640 21.2 Fat + Lye : Soap 641 21.3 Synthetic Detergents 645 21.4 Laundry Detergent Formulatio 647 21.5 Dishwashing Detergents 651 21.6 Fabric Softene 651 21.7 Laundry Bleaches: Whiter Whites 652 21.8 All-Purpose Cleaning Products 653 21.9 Special-Purpose Cleane 654 21.10 Solvents, Paints, and Waxes 658 21.11 Cosmetics: Peonal Care Chemicals 659 21.12 Toothpaste: Soap with Grit and Flavor 665 21.13 Perfumes, Colognes, and Aftehaves 666 21.14 Some Hairy Chemistry 669 21.15 The Well-Informed Coumer 673 Summary 674 . Review Questio 675 . Problems 675 .Additional Problems 676 . Collaborative Group Projects 67722 Poiso 679 22.1 Natural Poiso 680 22.2 Corrosive Poiso: A Closer Look 682 22.3 Metabolic Poiso 683 22.4 Heavy Metal Poiso 684 22.5 More Chemistry of the Nervous System 688 22.6 The Lethal Dose 690 22.7 The Liver as a Detox Facility 692 22.8 Chemical Carcinoge: Slow Poiso 693 22.9 Three Ways to Test for Carcinoge 697 22.10 Birth Defects: Teratoge 698 22.11 Hazardous Wastes 699 22.12 What Price Poiso? 701 Summary 702 . Review Questio 703 . Problems 703 .Additional Problems 704 . Collaborative Group Projects 705Appendix: Review of Measurement and Mathematics A-1Glossary A-18Awe A-25Photo Credits PC-1Index I-1