Jie Tian Editor《Molecular Imaging》 Fundamentals andApplications is a comprehen-sive monograph which describes not onlythe theory of the under-lying algorithms and key technologies butalso introduces a prototype system and its applications,bringingtogether theory,technology and applications.
Contents 9 List of Contributors 15 Part I Molecular ImaginPart I Molecular Imaging Theory andSystem 1 Introduction 1.1 Development ofMolecular Imaging 1.2 Advantages ofMolecular Imaging 1.3 Basic Pfinciples ofMolecular Imaging Modalities 1.4 Generous Development ofMolecular Imaging Probe 1.5 Application Involving Molecular Imaging References 2 Molecular Optical Simulation Environment 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Review ofthe Current Simulation PlatforlTl 2.3 Introduction 0fMOSE 2.4 Introduction ofthe Algorithm 2.5 Validation ofthe Simulation Experiment Results. References 3 Diffuse Optical Tomography 3.1 Outline 3.2 Medical Background and Optical Properties of Human Tissue 3.3 Photon Transport Model in Tissues and ImageReconstruction Algorithms 3.4 Simulative and Experimental Tomographic and Topographic Imaging on a Phantom References 4 Fluorescence Molecular Tomography 4.1 Overview 4.2 Fundamental Principles in Fluorescence MolecularTomography 4.3 Experimental System in Fluorescence Molecular Tomography. 4.4 The Reconstruction Algorithms in Fluorescence MolecularTomography 4.5 Experiment in Fluorescence Molecular TomographyReferences 5 Bioluminescenee Tomography 5.I Introduction 5.2 The Forward Model for BLT 5.3 BLT Reconstruction Algorithms 5.4 Experiments and Applications References 6 Positron Emission Tomography 6.1 Prologue 6.2 The Principle ofPET 6.3 Positron Emission Tomography Scanner 6.4 Reconstruction Algorithms and Correction Techniques inPET 6.5 PET/CT Image Fusion 6.6 Experimental PET Imaging References 7 Radioisotope Labeled Molecular Imaging in SPECT 7.1 Outline ofMolecular Imaging in SPECT 7.2 Key Technologies ofAnimal Pinhole SPECT References 8 MRI Facility-Based Molecular Imaging. 8.1 Outline ofthe MIU Facility—Based Molecular Imaging 8.2 Main mMgI Contrasts. References. 9 Other Molecular Imaging Technology 9.1 Photoacoustic Tomography 9.2 Optical Coherence Tomography 9.3 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. 9.4 Ultrasound in Molecular Imaging. 9.5 X—Ray Micro-Computed Tomography. References. 10 Optical Multi-Modality Molecular Imaging 10.1 Fusion ofBLT and Nicro-CT System 10.2 Fusion ofDOT and BLT Systems 10.3 Multi—Mod~ity Imaging ofFMT and CT 10.4 Image Registration and Fusion Between SPECT and CT. References 11 Medical Image Processing and Analysis 11.1 Overview. 11.2 Medical Image Segmentation 11.3 Medical Image Registration 11.4 New Techniques ofImage Fusion 11.5 Medical Image Visualization. ReferencePartII Molecular Probes 12 Opportunities and Challenges of Radiolabeled MolecularProbes 12.1 Introduction 12.2 The Opportunities ofRadiolabeled Molecular Probes. 12.3 The Challenges ofRadiolabeled Molecular Probes 12.4 Summary. References 13 oli20nucleotide Probes 13.1 Design Principle ofOligonucleotide Probes 13.2 Anti.Nuclease Modification ofOligonucleotide Probes 13.3 Delivery ofProbes into Cells References 14 Quantum Dots for Biological Imaging 14.1 ODs Based on CdTe 14.2 ODs Based on CdSe 14.3 ODs Based on CdSe/ZnS 14.4 QDs Based on CdSe/CdS/ZnS 14.5 0Ds Based on InP/ZnS 14.6 QDs Based on CdHgTe 14.7 ODs Based on Lead Salts 14.8 Other QDs References 15 RGD-Based Molecular Probes for Integr in αvβ3Imaging 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Multi—Modality RGD Probes Targeting Integrin αvβ3 15.3 Dual Functional RGD Probes for Integrin αvβ3 Targeting. 15.4 Optimizmion OfRGD Probes 15.5 Conclusions and Future Perspectives ReferencesPart III Applications of Molecular Imaging. 16 Basics of Molecular Biology 16.1 Introduction. 16.2 Techniques ofMolecular Biology. 16.3 Cells and Viruses 16.4 Transcription 16.5 Transcription and Translation in Eukaryotes 16.6 Post.Transcriptional Events 16.7 DNA Replication and Recombination 16.8 DNA Damage and Repair 16.9 Transiation References. 17 Molecular Imaging Techniques in Clinical Practice ofTumors 17.1 Application of Molecular Imaging Techniques in Tumor Diagnosis and Differentiation 17.2 Application of Molecular Imaging Techniques in theClinical Staging ofMalignancies 17.3 Application ofMolecular Imaging Techniques in LymphNodes Evaluation 17.4 Application of Molecular Imaging Techniques in Tumor Therapeutic Monitoring and Efficacy Evaluation 17.5 Application ofMolecular Imaging Techniques in OtherAspects ofCancer Therapy 17.6 Conclusions and Prospects. References 18 Using Molecular Imaging Techniques to StudyProtein-Protein Interactions. 18.1 The Yeast Two—Hybrid System. 18.2 FRET 18.3 BRET 18.4 PCA 18.5 Concluding Remarks References 19 Application of Molecular Imaging in Transgenic Animals 19.1 The Stem Cells 19.2 Molecular Imaging in Stem Cell Research for Heart Repair 19.3 Molecular Imaging in Stem Cell Research for KidneyRepair 19.4 Molecular Imaging in Stem Cell Research for Liver Repair 19.5 Molecular Imaging in Neural Stem Cell Research 19.6 Conclusion References. 20 Molecular Imaging Methods in Diabetes-Related Studies 20.1 Molecular Imaging Applications in Diabetes—RelatedFundamental Research 20.2 Molecular Imaging Assists Diabetic—Related TherapeuticResearch 20.3 Recent Advances in Molecular Imaging. 20.4 Concluding Remarks References Index g Theory and System 18 1 Introduction 20 1.1 Development of Molecular Imaging 20 1.2 Advantages of Molecular Imaging 22 1.3 Basic Principles of Molecular Imaging Modalities 24 1.4 Generous Development of Molecular Imaging Probe 27 1.5 Application Involving Molecular Imaging 28 References 29 2 Molecular Optical Simulation Environment 32 2.1 Introduction 32 2.2 Review of the Current Simulation Platform 33 2.3 Introduction of MOSE 35 2.4 Introduction of the Algorithm 44 2.5 Validation of the Simulation Experiment Results 57 References 62 3 Diffuse Optical Tomography 64 3.1 Outline 64 3.2 Medical Background and Optical Properties of HumanTissue94 3.3 Photon Transport Model in Tissues and ImageReconstructionAlgorithms 110 3.4 Simulative and Experimental Tomographic and TopographicImagingon a Phantom 153 References 193 4 Fluorescence Molecular Tomography 202 4.1 Overview 202 4.2 Fundamental Principles in Fluorescence Molecular Tomography203 4.3 Experimental System in Fluorescence Molecular Tomography206 4.4 The Reconstruction Algorithms in FluorescenceMolecularTomography 208 4.5 Experiment in Fluorescence Molecular Tomography 218 References 228 5 Bioluminescence Tomography 234 5.1 Introduction 234 5.2 The Forward Model for BLT 236 5.3 BLT Reconstruction Algorithms 238 5.4 Experiments and Applications 250 References 255 6 Positron Emission Tomography 258 6.1 Prologue 258 6.2 The Principle of PET 260 6.3 Positron Emission Tomography Scanner 263 6.4 Reconstruction Algorithms and Correction Techniques inPET272 6.5 PET/CT Image Fusion 306 6.6 Experimental PET Imaging 313 References 320 7 Radioisotope Labeled Molecular Imaging inSPECT 330 7.1 Outline of Molecular Imaging in SPECT 330 7.2 Key Technologies of Animal Pinhole SPECT 336 References 347 8 MRI Facility-Based Molecular Imaging 350 8.1 Outline of the MRI Facility-Based Molecular Imaging 350 8.2 Main mMRI Contrasts 354 References 376 9 Other Molecular Imaging Technology 378 9.1 Photoacoustic Tomography 378 9.2 Optical Coherence Tomography 384 9.3 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy 389 9.4 Ultrasound in Molecular Imaging 392 9.5 X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography 395 References 399 10 Optical Multi-Modality Molecular Imaging 406 10.1 Fusion of BLT and Nicro-CT System 407 10.2 Fusion of DOT and BLT Systems 410 10.3 Multi-Modality Imaging of FMT and CT 412 10.4 Image Registration and Fusion Between SPECT and CT 417 References 427 11 Medical Image Processing and Analysis 432 11.1 Overview 432 11.2 Medical Image Segmentation 433 11.3 Medical Image Registration 440 11.4 New Techniques of Image Fusion 456 11.5 Medical Image Visualization 472 References 483 Part II Molecular Probes 488 12 Opportunities and Challenges of RadiolabeledMolecular Probes490 12.1 Introduction 490 12.2 The Opportunities of Radiolabeled Molecular Probes 491 12.3 The Challenges of Radiolabeled Molecular Probes 493 12.4 Summary 497 References 497 13 Oligonucleotide Probes 500 13.1 Design Principle of Oligonucleotide Probes 500 13.2 Anti-Nuclease Modification of Oligonucleotide Probes 506 13.3 Delivery of Probes into Cells 508 References 511 14 Quantum Dots for Biological Imaging 518 14.1 QDs Based on CdTe 518 14.2 QDs Based on CdSe 519 14.3 QDs Based on CdSe/ZnS 520 14.4 QDs Based on CdSe/CdS/ZnS 520 14.5 QDs Based on InP/ZnS 522 14.6 QDs Based on CdHgTe 522 14.7 QDs Based on Lead Salts 523 14.8 Other QDs 523 References 525 15 RGD-Based Molecular Probes for Integrin αv β3Imaging 530 15.1 Introduction 530 15.2 Multi-Modality RGD Probes Targeting Integrin αv β3 533 15.3 Dual Functional RGD Probes for Integrin αv β3 Targeting542 15.4 Optimization of RGD Probes 543 15.5 Conclusions and Future Perspectives 549 References 550 Part III Applications of Molecular Imaging 556 16 Basics of Molecular Biology 558 16.1 Introduction 558 16.2 Techniques of Molecular Biology 564 16.3 Cells and Viruses 569 16.4 Transcription 573 16.5 Transcription and Translation in Eukaryotes 576 16.6 Post-Transcriptional Events 585 16.7 DNA Replication and Recombination 590 16.8 DNA Damage and Repair 598 16.9 Translation 607 References 609 17 Molecular Imaging Techniques in Clinical Practiceof Tumors620 17.1 Application of Molecular Imaging Techniques in TumorDiagnosisand Differentiation 620 17.2 Application of Molecular Imaging Techniques in theClinicalStaging of Malignancies 625 17.3 Application of Molecular Imaging Techniques in LymphNodesEvaluation 628 17.4 Application of Molecular Imaging Techniques inTumorTherapeutic Monitoring and Efficacy Evaluation 633 17.5 Application of Molecular Imaging Techniques in OtherAspects ofCancer Therapy 636 17.6 Conclusions and Prospects 639 References 639 18 Using Molecular Imaging Techniques to StudyProtein-ProteinInteractions 650 18.1 The Yeast Two-Hybrid System 650 18.2 FRET 656 18.3 BRET 663 18.4 PCA 667 18.5 Concluding Remarks 670 References 671 19 Application of Molecular Imaging in TransgenicAnimals 678 19.1 The Stem Cells 678 19.2 Molecular Imaging in Stem Cell Research for Heart Repair679 19.3 Molecular Imaging in Stem Cell Research for Kidney Repair682 19.4 Molecular Imaging in Stem Cell Research for Liver Repair683 19.5 Molecular Imaging in Neural Stem Cell Research 684 19.6 Conclusion 685 References 685 20 Molecular Imaging Methods in Diabetes-RelatedStudies 688 20.1 Molecular Imaging Applications in Diabetes-RelatedFundamentalResearch 689 20.2 Molecular Imaging Assists Diabetic-Related TherapeuticResearch696 20.3 Recent Advances in Molecular Imaging 704 20.4 Concluding Remarks 706 References 706 Index 712