The present greatly enlarged version was mainly written during a sabbatical at the university of Uppsala during 2000. The aim of the book is to present a largely phenomenological introduction to the field of solid state magnetism at a relatively elementary level. The two basic concepts of magnetism in solids namely the localized and the delocalized description are presented as the extreme approaches. The true nature of magnetism lies, as often in life, somewhere in between, sometimes showing a tendency towards the more localized side, sometimes tending to the delocalized side. It is perhaps this mixing of concepts which makes magnetism appear complicated and difficult. Another source of confusion is the different language used by theoreticians and experimentalists. I have tried very hard to clarify these rather more semantic problems and to use a uniform nomenclature throughout the book. It is my belief and my experience that the approach presented here provides a useful introduction not only for the physicist, but also for the interested reader coming from fields like chenustry, electrical engineering or even geo-sciences. The mathematical concepts used are kept rather simple and hardly ever go beyond an undergraduate course in mathematics for physicists, chemists or engineering. Since the book emerged from a lecture course I have given at Vienna University of Technology for the last 15 years, the chapters in the book are not completely self-contained.The first-time reader is thus advised to read the chapters in the sequence that they appear in the book. It is my sincere hope that after having read this book the reader will agree that for once the Encyclopedia Brittanica is in error when it states Few subjects in, science are m,ore difficult to un,derstan,than magn.etism, (Encyclopedia Brittanica, 15th edition 1989).The present book does not attempt to cover the whole field of solid state magnetism, but tries to provide an overview by selecting special topics. The idea is to create an interest in this fascinating field in which quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and computer simulations join forces to explain "Magnetism in the Solid State".
1. A Historical Introduction 2. Consequences ofFermi Statistics 2.1 Quantum Statistics of Fermions 2.2 Free Energy of the Fermi Gas 3. Paramagnetism 4. Energy Bands in the Crystal 5. Experimental Basis of Ferromagnetism 5.1 Nickel Alloys 5.2 Iron Alloys 5.3 Palladium Alloys 5.4 Iron-Nickel Alloys 5.5 Effects of Strong Magnetic Fields 5.6 Effects of High Pressure 5.7 Effects of Finite Temperature 5.8 Susceptibility above Tc 5.8.1 Susceptibility of “Classical Spins” 5.9 Critical. Exponents 5.10 Neutron Diffraction 5.11 Further Experimental Methods 6. Weiss Molecular Field Model 6.1 Rhodes-Wohlfarth Plot 7. Heisenberg Model 7.1 Magnon Operators 7.2 Heisenberg Hamiltonian in Magnon Variables 7.3 Magnon Dispersion Relation 7.3.1 Specific Heat of Magnons 7.3.2 Ordering Temperature 7.4 Approximations for the Heisenberg Model 7.4.1 Ising Model 7.4.2 XY Model 7.4.3 Mean Field Solutions of the Heisenberg Model 8. Itinerant Electrons at O K 8.1 Pauli Susceptibility of the Itinerant Electrons 8.2 Susceptibility of the Interacting Itinerant Electrons 8.3 Non linear Effects 8.4 Effects of IIigh Fields at O K 8.4.1 Non-magnetic Limit 8.4.2 Strong Ferromagnets 8.4.3 Weak Ferromagnets 8.4.4 bcc Iron and hcp Cobalt 8.4.5 Extremely High Fields 8.4.6 Metamagnetism 8.5 Susceptibility of Paramagnetic Alloys 9. Band Gap Theory of Strong Ferromagnetism 9.1 Magnetism of Alloys 10. Magnetism and the Crystal Structure——Covalent Magnetism 10.1 Crystal Structure of Mn,F(xiàn)e,Co,and Ni 10.2 Covalent Magnetism 10.3 Covalent Polarization 11. Magnetic Impurities in an Electron Gas 11.1 Impurity Potential in the Jellium 11.2 Strong Perturbations in the Jellium 11.3 Layer and Line Defects 11.4 Magnetic Impurities and Oscillations of the Magnetization 12. Itinerant Electrons at T〉O: A Historical Survey 12.1 Excitations at Low Temperatures 12.1.1 Strongly Ferromagnetic Systems 12.1.2 Weakly Ferromagnetic Systems 12.2 Stoner Theory for a Rectangular Band 12.3 Weak Excitations with ζ〈〈1 13. Hubbard Model 13.1 Beyond Hartree-Fock 14. Landau Theory for the Stoner Model 14.1 General Considerations 14.2 Application to the Stoner Model 15. Coupling Between Itinerant and Localized Moments 16. Origin of the Molecular Field 16.1 Heitler-London Theory for the Exchange Field 16.1.1 Magnetism of a Spin Cluster 16.1.2 Spinwaves for Localized Electrons 17. Exchange and Correlation in Metals 17.1 Free Electron Gas 17.2 Tightly Bound Electrons 18. Spin Fluctuations 18.1 Fluctuations of a Thermodynamical Variable 18.2 Fluctuations of the Magnetic Moment 18.3 Specific Heat of the Spin Fluctuations 18.4 Magneto-Volume Coupling 18.5 Applications of the Spin Fluctuation Model 18.6 Comparing the Spin-Fluctuation and the Stoner-Model 19. Single Particle Excitations Versus Spin Waves 20. Landau-Ginzburg Model for Spin Fluctuations 21. Conclusion and Lookout A. Appendices A. Convexity Property of the Free Energy B. Derivation of the Coefficient a in (3.17) C. Quenching of the Orbital Momentum D. Properties of “Classical” Spins E. Derivation of the Constant c in (8.24) F. Ornstein-Zernicke Extension G. Bogoliubov-Peierls-Feynman Inequality H. The Factor 2 in Equation (7.27) I. Hund‘s Rules J. Polynomial Coefficients in (18.12) K. Conversion Between Magnetic Units References Index