1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background and Motives 1.2 Theoretical Framework 1.3 Data Collection 1.4 Research Questio 1.5 Significance of the Study 1.6 Organization of the Study 2 PUBLIC DIALOGUE 2.1 Press Conference &Press Release 2.2 Press Conference&News Interview 2.3 Public Dialogues 2.4 Public Dialogues in U.S. 2.5 Public Dialogues in China 2.6 The Roles and Functio of Public Dialogues by Top Leade 2.7 Summary 3 THEORECTCAL FOUNDATIONS 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The Public,the Media and Politics 3.3 Politieal Discoue 3.3.1 Introduction 3.3.2 CA to Political Discoue 3.3.3 CDA to Political Discoue 3.3.4 Cognitive Approach to Political Discoue 3.3.5 Functional Approach to Political Discoue 3.3.6 Politieal Discoue in the Media 3.4 Critical Discoue Analysis 3.5 Systemic Functional Grammar 3.6 Summary 4 CROSs.CULTURAL DIFFERNECES IN pUBLIC DIALOGUES 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Question-respoe Sequences 4.2.1 The practice of questioning 4.2.2 The practice of responding 4.2.3 Present study 4.3 Methods for Corpus Analysis 4.3.1 Units of analysis 4.3.2 Questio as requests 4.3.3 Refusals in respoes 4.3.4 Coding of the corpus 4.4 Findings and Discussion 4.4.1 Request functio 4.4.2 Refusal strategies 4.5 Conclusion 5 SOCIO-POLITICAL AND IDEOL OGICAL GAPS IN PUBLIC DIALOGUES 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Socio—political Ideologies in Public Dialogues 5.3 Theoretical Framework:CDA 5.4 The Generic Structure of Public Dialogues 5.5 Thematic Analysis of Public Dialogues 5.5.1 Content analysis 5.5.2 Distribution of themes and iournalists in Chinese public dialogues 5.5.3 Distribution of themes in English public dialogues 5.5 Discoual Analysis 5.6 Social—cultural Analysis 5.6.1 Thematic interpretation of Chinese public dialogues 5.6.2 Thematic interpretation of English public dialogues 5.7 Findings and Discussio:A Comparison 5.8 C0nclusion 6 INTERPERSONAL ENGAGEMENT INTOPUBLIC DIALOGUES THROUGH MODALITY 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Going Interpeonal:SFL 6.3 Analysis 6.3.1 Evasive and non-committal leade&functio of I think 6.3.2 The confident speaker 6.4 Discussion 6.5 Reconciling Two Pictures&the Evasive and Confident Speake 6.6 Summary of the Findings and Concluding Remarks 7 CONCLUSIONS, CONTRIBUTIONS AND SUGGESTOINS 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Findings 7.2.1 Research findings: similarities and differences 7.2.2 Discussion 7.3 General Contributio of the Study 7.3.1 Contributio to the field of research into the language in public dialogues 7.3.2 Contributio to CDA and SFL 7.3.3 Contributio of the thesis to linguistic theory 7.3.4 Contribution to the study of political discoue in the media 7.4 Suggestio for Future Research 7.5 Implicatio of the Research 7.6 Limitatio of the Research BIBLIOGRAPHY