part i. nonrelativistic many-particle systems
1. second quantization
1.1 identical particles, many-particle states, and permutationsymmetry
1.2 completely symmetric and antisymmetric states
1.3 bosons
1.4 fermions
1.5 field operators
1.6 momentum representation problems
2. spin-1/2 fermions
2.1 noninteracting fermions
2.2 ground state energy and elementary theory of the electrongas
2.3 hartree-fock equations for atoms problems
3. bosons
3.1 free bosons
3.2 weakly interacting, dilute bose gas
4. correlation functions, scattering, and response
4.1 scattering and response
4.2 density matrix, correlation functions
.4.3 dynamicalsusceptibility
4.4 dispersion relations
4.5 spectral representation
4.6 fluctuation-dissipation theorem
4.7 examples of applications
4.8 symmetry properties
4.9 sum rules
bibliography for part i
part ii. relativistic wave equations
5. relativistic wave equations and their derivation
5.1 introduction
5.2 the klein-gordon equation
5.3 dirac equation
6. lorentz transformations and covariance of the diracequation
6.1 lorentz transformations
6.2 lorentz covariance of the dirac equation
6.3 solutions of the dirac equation for free particles
7. orbital angular momentum and spin
7.1 passive and active transformations
7.2 rotations and angular momentum
8. the coulomb potential
8.1 klein-gordon equation with electromagnetic field
8.2 dirac equation for the coulomb potential
9. the foldy-wouthuysen transformation and relativisticcorrections
9.1 the foldy-wouthuysen transformation
9.2 relativistic corrections and the lamb shift
10. physical interpretation of the solutions to the diracequation
10.1 wave packets and \zitterbewegung\
10.2 the hole theory
11. symmetries and further properties of the dirac equation
11.1 active and passive transformations, transformations ofvectors
11.2 invariance and conservation laws
11.3 charge conjugation
11.4 time reversal (motion reversal)
11.5 helicity
11.6 zero-mass fermions (neutrinos)
bibliography for part ii
part iii. relativistic fields
12. quantization of relativistic fields
12.1 coupled oscillators, the linear chain, latticevibrations
12.2 classical field theory
12.3 canonical quantization
12.4 symmetries and conservation laws, noether's theorem
13. free fields
13.1 the real klein-gordon field
13.2 the complex klein-gordon field
13.3 quantization of the dirac field
13.4 the spin statistics theorem
14. quantization of the radiation field
14.1 classical electrodynamics
14.2 the coulomb gauge
14.3 the lagrangian density for the electromagnetic field
14.4 the free electromagnatic field and its quantization
14.5 calculation of the photon propagator
15. interacting fields, quantum electrodynamics
15.1 lagrangians, interacting fields
15.2 the interaction representation, perturbation theory
15.3 the s matrix
15.4 wick's theorem
15.5 simple scattering processes, feynman diagrams
15.6 radiative corrections
bibliography for part iii
a alternative derivation of the dirac. equation
b dirac matrices
c projection operators for the spin
d the path-integral representation of quantum mechanics
e covariant quantization of the electromagnetic field, thegupta-bleuler method
f coupling of charged scalar mesons to the electromagneticfield