第一篇 建筑藝徒的學習記憶
Chapter 1 Reminiscences of Learning as a Student Majored in
Never Disliking Foolishness and Always Turning a Crude Work into a Polished One ——
Appreciating the Correction for My Design by Professor Xu Zhong
Exploitation and Pursuit of Modern Architectural Thought by a Student Majored in Architecture
A Student Majored in Architecture with Strong Interest and Feeling in Art
So Many Teachers and Friends in Sifang Locomotive & Rolling Stock Works
第二篇 中國現(xiàn)代建筑史研究
Chapter 2 Research of History of Chinese Modern Architecture
Master Gong Deshun Laid the Foundation for the Research of History of Chinese
Modern Architecture ——The Days Studied with Him
2.中國現(xiàn)代建筑史(1949 - 1984)的分期及其他
Period Division of History of Chinese Modern Architecture (1949-1984) , etc.
Confirming the Beginning of History of Chinese Modern Architecture
4.二十世紀中國現(xiàn)代建筑概述(第一部分 中國內(nèi)地)
Brief Introduction to Chinese Modern Architecture in 20th Century
(Part I China Mainland )
5.未來的歷史是今天:緊急呼吁保護20 世紀50 年代以來的現(xiàn)代建筑遺存
History of Future is Today: Urgent Appeal for Protection of the Modern Architectural
Heritage since 1950s
Cultural Essence Reaching Far —— Rereading Wen Yuan Building
Protection in Utilization, Benefits in Protection —— About Developing Protection of
Architectural Heritage in Macao
Chinese Modern Architecture in International and National Architectural Frame
A Progressive Creation Tendency ——About Symbolism and Metaphor in Architecture
and Recent Practice
Protection in Utilization, Benefits in Protection —— About Developing Protection of
Architectural Heritage in Macao
About Progress and Backwardness in 20 Years Hardships and Difficulties ——Imitation
and Creation in Chinese Modern Architecture
12.“適用、經(jīng)濟、美觀”三要素三為一體 —— 全社會應當共守的建筑原則
Combination of the Three Elements“Suitability, Economy and Beauty” ——
Architectural Principle Should Be Followed by the Whole Society
13.20 世紀50 至80 年代中國建筑的現(xiàn)代性探索
Exploration of Modernity of Chinese Architecture in 1950s-1980s
What Kind of Architecture to Show to the Future
15.一個時代的社會變革,一個甲子的建筑進步——紀念中國建筑60 年
Social Transformation of an Age and Architectural Progress —— Commemorating 60
Years of Chinese Architecture
第三篇 現(xiàn)代建筑理論與評論
Chapter 3 Modern Architectural Theory and Comment
New Exploration of the Old Issue ——About Combination of Architectural Design
Teaching and Production Task
Architectural Theory, Comment and Creation
Not Adding Something to Architecture as Adding Feet to a Snake
“Truth” ——The Quality and Style of Architecture
Aspiration of Architects: Please Understand Architecture
6.可知、可行是建筑理論的必備品格 —— 再談引進外國建筑理論的經(jīng)驗教訓
The Understandable and the Practicable is the Essential Quality and Style of
Architectural Theory —— The Second Talk about the Experience and Lesson of
Introducing Foreign Architectural Theoriesr
7.優(yōu)秀建筑論 —— 淡化“風格”“流派”,創(chuàng)造“優(yōu)秀建筑”
About Excellent Architecture —— Weakening“Style”or“ School”,
Creating“Excellent Architecture”
8.“基本功”與“創(chuàng)造力”—— 建筑設計“三段教學體制”構想
“Basic Skills” and “Creativity” ——Conception about“Three Steps of Teaching
System” of Architectural Design
About“Free and Easy”Creative Thinking System by Architect Bu Zhengwei
Dealing with the Difficult Situation of Chinese Modern Architectural Theory ——The Fifth Talk
about the Experience and Lesson of Introducing Foreign Architectural Theories)
Talking about Expression of Architecture
An Illusory Fairy Tale——Doubts about Solving Ecological Crisis of Cities by“Unity of
Heaven and Man”
13.梁思成建筑理論的魅力和境遇——紀念梁思成先生誕辰100 周年
Fascination and Circumstances of Architectural Theory of Liang Sicheng ——
Commemorating the One Hundredth Birthday of Liang Sicheng
Anticipated Conformity of Various Theories —— Establishing Architectural Theory
Frame on the Thought Platform with Chinese Characteristics
Fascination and Circumstances of Architectural Theory of Liang Sicheng ——
Commemorating the One Hundredth Birthday of Liang Sicheng
16.引進外國建筑理論20 余年之再思索——寫在改革開放30 年之際
Rethinking about Introducing Foreign Architectural Theories over 20 Years —— Writing
at the Moment of 30 Years of “Opening and Reforming”
Why Always Say“Century”
第四篇 中外現(xiàn)代建筑之比較
Chapter 4 Comparison between Chinese Modern Architecture and Foreign
Modern Architecture
A Seemingly Familiar Theory ——About Post-modernism
2.兩次引進外國建筑理論的教訓 —— 從“民族形式”到“后現(xiàn)代建筑”
Lessons from Twice Introducing Foreign Architectural Theories —— From“National
Form”to“Post-modern Architecture”
Looking Deconstruction from Modern Art : the Late“Deform”and“Pure Architecture”
From Half Post-modernism to Multi-deconstruction —— The Third Talk about the
Experience and Lesson of Introducing Foreign Architectural Theories
The Explorations on the Strategic Thinking and Theory of the Conversation Planning
for the Historic Quarters of Pingjiang, Suzhou
6.回歸第三世界 回歸基本目標
Returning to the Third World, Returning to the Basic Goal
Observing Progress and Retrogression of Architectural Creation from Novelty and
Originality of Avant-guard Architectural Approach
9.呼喚開放的社團精神!——紀念當代建筑文化沙龍成立10 周年
Calling for the Open Spirit of Society!—— Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of
the Founding of Contemporary Architectural Salon
Introduction from Works of Foreign Architects: Experience beyond Form
Dialogue between India Modern Architecture and Western Modern Architecture
12.隔而不絕,交而待融 ——中外建筑文化交流50 年
Separation without Isolation, Communication Expecting Combination——50 Years of
Communication between Chinese and Foreign Architectural Culture
Where to Find Characteristics of Cities
Respecting the World, Respecting Ourselves: Criticism to False European Style from
Reverse Perspective
第五篇 對吳冠中藝術的觀察
Chapter 5 Observation of the Art of Wu Guanzhong
1.建筑師與現(xiàn)代藝術 —— 現(xiàn)代藝術中的創(chuàng)造精神
Architects and Modern Art —— Creative Spirit in Modern Art
2.吳冠中藝術對建筑師的啟示 —— 關于引進外國建筑理論問題的思考
Revelation of the Art of Wu Guanzhong to Architects — About Thinking of the Problem
of Introducing Foreign Architectural Theory
Struggling for Modernity: the First Quality and Style of the Art of Wu Guanzhong
4.《看日出:吳冠中老師 66 封信中的世界》序言
Preface to“ Observing the Sun Rising: the World in 66 Letters of Wu Guanzhong”