This paper examines the deficiencies associated with Chinesefirms going IPO enmass olverseas.It argues that the large amount ofoverseas IPOs have drained andmarginalized the Chinese capital market.As a result,not only do the benefits oflisting abroad drop dramatically,but huge costs and the loss of State assets are also entailed.Based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis in this paper,wemake recommendationsfrom sixdifferentaspects.
暫缺《中國人民大學(xué)學(xué)報(第2卷 第2期)》作者簡介
VOLUME 2,NUMBER 2 ECONOMICS JI BAOCHENG, LIU YUANCHUN On the Problems Resulting from Listing Chinese Enterprises Abroad CHEN YULU, ZHENG YANWEN Global Imbalance and Expenditure-switching Effect in China LIU YUANCHUN,HUANG ZUSHENG Research on China's Monetary Independence ZHU YING.YAN JUN Determinants of Innovations in Small Chinese Manufacturing Firms:An Empirical Examination PETER CLARKE Encourage the Development of Smes:Some Evidence from Ireland JOSEPH E.STIGLITZ Towards a New Model of Development SOCIETY AND RELIGION ZHENG GONGCHENG,LINDA WONG The Issue of Migrant Workers in China:Theoretical Judgments and Policy Suggestions WEI DEDONG The Social Science of Religion:Connotation and Value INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS XU QINHUA China's Energy Cooperation with Central Asia and Its Possibilities for India WANG YONG Seek a Harmonious World:Philosophy of Chinese Foreign Policy and East Asia-Europe-US Relations SYMPOSIUM SHAPING CHINA'sENERGY SECURITY:ACTORS AND PO LICIES MENG YANBEI Research on Certain Issues of China's Energy Legislation WEIBIN The Reform of China's Power Industry:The Urgency of a Systemic Overhaul SHI DAN Structural Reforms in China's Oil Industry:Achievements. Problems,and Measures for Further Reform