Chapter 1Tropical bamboo shoots cultivation 1Distribution of Bamboo Resources 1.1B amboo Resources in the World 1.1.1Asia and Pacific Bamboo Region 1.1.2 America Bamboo Region 1.1.3 Africa Bamboo Region 1.1.4 Europe and North America Introduced Region 1.2 Bamboo Resourcesin Cruna 1.2.1 Bamboo Region between Yellow River and Yangtze River 1.2.2 Bamboo Region between Yangtze River and Nanling Range 1.2.3 Bamboo Region in South China 1.2.4 Bamboo Region in High Mountainous Regionin Southwest China 2 Biological Basis in Tropic Bamboo Cultivation 2.1 Characteristics and Functions 2.1.1 Nutritious Components 2.1.2 Reproductive Organ 2.2 Growth Characteristics 2.3 Growth and Environment 3 Nursery Techniques of Sympodial Bamboo 3.1 Nursery Site Preparatio 3.2 NurserySeason 3.3 NurseryTechniques 3.3.1 Raising with Seeds 3.3.2 Raising With Branch Cutting 3.3.3 Raising with Buried Culms 3.3.4 GroundLayering 3.4 NurseryManagement 4 Afforestation Techniques of Sympodial Bamboo Shoot Stands 4.1Site Selection 4.2 Site Preparation 4.3 Planting Season 4.4 PlantingMethods 4.4.1 Afforestation with Transferred Mother Culms 4.4.2 Afforestation with Transferred Seedlings 4.4.3 Afforestation with Buried Internodes or Branch Cutting 4.4.4 Density of First Planting 5 Young Stands Cultivation Techniques of Tropical Bamboo Shoot 5.1 WaterManagement 5.2 Intercropping 5.3 Weeding and Soil-loosening 5.4 Fertilizing 5.5 Keeping Shoots and Protecting Bamboos 5.6 Pest and Disease Control 5.7 Damage by wild animals and their control 6 Effiaent Tending Techniques of Sympodial Bamboo Shoot Stands 6.1 Soiland Fertilizer Management 6.1.1Raking to dry in the sun 6.1.2 Fertilizing 6.1.3 Shoot Cultivating 6.1.4 Irrigating 6.1.5 Intertilling and Weeding 6.2 Structure Adjustment 6.2.1 InterclumpDensity 6.2.2 InnerclumpDensity 6.2.3 Age Structure of Mother Culms 6.3 Technique of Shoot Harvesting and Culm Retaining 7 Cultivation Techniques of Major Sympodial Bamboo Shoot Speaes 7.1 Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro 7.1.1 NurseryTechruques 7.1.2 AfforestationTechniques 7.1.3 Management of Young Stands 7.1.4 Management of Mature Stand 7.2 Dendrocalamus oldhami (Munro) Keng f 7.2.1 NurseryTechniques 7.2.2 Afforestation Techniques 7.2.3 Nursery ofYoung Stands 7.2.4 Management of Mature Stands Chapter 2 Bamboo tissue culture Introduction 1Protocol for Sympodial Bamboo Tissue Culture …… Chapter 3 Bamboo shoots processing packaging and marketing