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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書生活時尚旅游華夏覽勝香格里拉,百年回望(英)



定 價:¥268.00

作 者: (英)木保山 著
出版社: 五洲傳播出版社
標 簽: 廣西


ISBN: 9787508521732 出版時間: 2011-09-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數: 255 字數:  


  China is changing fast. Seemingly overnight it has become aneconomic and political powerhouse on a global scale. Although it isthe recent rise of China that makes the daily news, the lastcentury saw other large and rapid changes: the fall of the lastimperial dynasty, the failure of the Nationalist government, andthe ascent of Mao Zedong and the new China. How have these changesaffected the land and people of China? Can lessons from the pastgive us insights about the future? For six years, Robert Moseleylived and worked as a conservation scientist in the mountains ofnorthwest Yunnan Province.As part of that work, he set out toanswer these questions and apply the results to the conservation ofnature and culture.Northwest Yunnan provides a compelling backdrop to explore theseissues, with its spectacular mountain environment and diverseethnic cultures that were once remote, but are now confronted withunprecedented rates of change. Following in the footsteps of earlytwentieth century explorer-photographers, Moseley and colleaguestraveled extensively through this region rephotographing originalscenes and comparing them with modern conditions. In RevisitingShangri-La, he uses this collection of repeated photographs as apowerful visual tool to portray the dynamic and resilient characterof people and the land and to communicate future opportunities forconservation.




Foreword by Professor Ma Keping
Prologue: Whence Shangri-La
Part h Introduction
Repeat Photography: Finding the Perfect Match
The Place: Subtropical Forests and Alpine Splendor
The People: Communities of Diverse Cultures
Conservation: A Wealth of Natural Resources
Western Explorers: Missionaries and Plant Collectors.
Part 2: The Photographic Record
Yunnan Tea and Horse Road
Mountain Villages
Towns and Cities
Sacred and Religious Sites
Three Great Rivers
High Mountains
Impacts of Climate Change
Epilogue: The Future of Shangri-La
Select Bibliography
Photo and Map Credits


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