unit1 Gteetings Listening for Different Places Greeting and Introducing Peopleunit2 Family Identifying Family Membe Talking about Hobbiesunit3 coIIege Life Identifying Majo Talking about Campus Lifeunit4 Eating&Drinking Listening for Telephone Numbe Listening to People Talking about Eating and Drinking Asking about Preferencesunit5 Sports Listening for Time and Dates Listening to People Talking about Physical Exercise and Health Expressing C0ngratuIatiO and Respoesunit6 shooping Listening for Prices Listening to People Talking about Shopping Asking for,Offering and Responding to SuggestioUnit7 The Internet Listening for Computer-related Words Asking for Favounit8 FestivaIs & Holidays Identifying Festivals and Holidays Talking about Pla